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Aida Figueiredo

Assistent Professor in Aveiro University. The background is a Bachelor degree in Nursing, a degree in Pychology, a Master degree and a PhD in Psychology, finished in january 2015, in the domain of OE entitled "Children-outdoor spaces interaction in kindergarten".


Assistent Professor in Aveiro University. The background is a Bachelor degree in Nursing, a degree in Pychology, a Master degree and a PhD in Psychology, finished in january 2015, in the domain of OE entitled "Children-outdoor spaces interaction in kindergarten".

In May 2010, has attended, for a week (25 hours), a residential forest school study course “The learning environment in Scandinavian early years settings”, in Viborg, Denmark, promoted by Inside-Out Nature - The Danish Forest School Training. In 2013, from April to June, has been three months in Trondheim - Norway, in the context of an Erasmus Stage, having a living experience of outdoor education in early childhood settings and contact with early childhood teachers training in Queen Maud University College. Since 2015, in the context of Erasmus mobility, had been visiting forest schools settings (e.g.Esbjerg (Denmark) and Trondheim (Norway)),  and meetings with international experts and researchers in the domain of OE.

Since 2011 have presenting several OE communications in Portugal and abroad and participated in several intervention projects in Portugal, some of them in the context of the training courses in Aveiro University (Degree in Elementary Education 1st cycle) and others with in-service teaching training (in collaboration with early childhood settings).

Since 2015 integrates the scientific team of the Invisible Limits Project. This project is promoted by the partnership between the Aveiro University - responsible for monitoring, impact assessment of the pilot project and coordination of the area of research - the Coimbra Higher School Education (ESEC) and CASPAE. This project encompasses three main axes - Intervention, Research and Training/Consulting.

Is a member of the Special Interest Group - Outdoor Play and Learning in Early Childhood Education and IPA (International Play Association). Collaborator Researcher at the Research Centre Didatics and Technology in Education of Trainers (CIDTFF).