
Miguel Meira e Cruz
Miguel Meira e Cruz has a degree on Dental Medicine and he became expert on Sleep Medicine by Medical School of Lisbon in 2006.
He concluded his master thesis in Sleep Sciences with the work "Treatment of obstructive sleep apneas with mandibular advancement Devices: a preliminary study on vigilance and sleep structure". Since 2016 he's specialist in Sleep Medicine certified by the European Sleep Research Society. He's founder member and president of the Associação Portuguesa de Cronobiologia e Medicina do sono, and coordinator of the post-graduation of Chronobiology and Sleep Medicine on CESPU Formação. Miguel Meira e Cruz is also author and co-author of several articles, book chapters and abstracts on the areas of physiology and sleep medicine, as well as speaker on national and international conferences about the topic.
He coordinates de Sleep Unit on the Laboratório de Função Autonómica do Centro Cardiovascular of Lisbon University.