
Francisco Branco
Associate professor at UCP – the Catholic University of Portugal. He gained a PhD in Social Work (specialisation: social policy and social movements) in 2001. He lectures social work history, social research and social policy, and has for many years been the coordinator of the PhD in Social Work. He is the coordinator of the research group on Public Interest Policies and Human Development of the Centre for Studies in Human Development - UCP, Board member of the European Social Work Research Association - ESWRA, and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Critical and Radical Social Work journal. His recent research has focused on the field of social work history in Portugal and on the relationship between social work and social policy, mainly in the USA, the involvement of social work academics in social policy, and the minimum income standard in Portugal based on the qualitative consensual approach. He publishes on a broad variety of themes such as social work research, social work history, the social work profession, poverty and social welfare.