
Teresa Magalhães
Medical expert in Legal Medicine. President of SPECAN. Full-Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (head of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences area) and at University Institute of Health Sciences. President of the Portuguese Society for the of Abused and Neglected Children. Full-Professor at University Institute of Health Sciences (CESPU) and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (head of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences area). Author of multiple literature (books, books’ chapters and articles) about children and adolescents abuse. Head of the North Delegation of the Portuguese National Institute for Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (2001-2014). Representative of Portugal at the European Council of Legal Medicine.
Current professional activities regarding Real-World Evidence and Implementation Science research in Personal Injury Assessment, Interpersonal Violence, Sexual Crimes and other Forensic Medicine topics