
Vânia Beliz
Gratuated in Clinical Psychology, master degree in sexology, wrote in 2010 the first book in this area - “Ponto Quê” about female sexuality.In January of 2016 was a co-author of the book and project in the Sexual Education area, "A viagem de Peludim". For 3 years performed in Curto Circuito, Sic Radical, in a section dedicated to young people, about sexuality. Cooperates in many projects in the social area, sexual education and school support in Programas de Educação para a Saúde, PES.
Often participates as a commentator on TV, usually cooperating with the national press.
Responsible for the Clarification of young people National project through the app whatshap, Controltalk.
Doctural student in Children's Studies/Children Healthcare in Universidade do Minho.