
Paula Almeida Costa
Adviser of the Administration Council of the Portuguese Foundation The Community Against AIDS (in portuguese Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida) Founding member of the Studies and Research in Sexuality, the Sexual Education and the TIC Group - GEISEXT - of the Education Institute of Lisbon University.
Lecturer of primary education in the variant of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with an academic pathway focused on the Natural Sciences and mainly on the Health, the Citizenship, the Sustainability and the TIC matters. Due to my Masters Degree in Sciences Didactics by the Natural Sciences School of the Lisbon University I developed a site dedicated to the Experimental Teaching of Sciences to the 1st cycle of the Portuguese Primary Education. The study was developed with students of the 4th year of schooling and was called Conception, Construction, Publication and Validation of an Experimental Work Promotor Site in the 1st Cycle. Its purpose was the conception of activities, construction and publication of free digital educative resources properly to ages and curricular demands of the target audience and the validation of the respective didactic contents by experts in many different areas (Almeida, 2007). In my doctoral thesis in Education focused on Research and Communication Technology in Education speciality I defended the contribution of the Wiki “Appemciencias” in the developing skills of 6th year school students in a transverse area more supported in the Natural Sciences discipline (Costa, 2014). The Post-Graduation in Supervision and Orientation of the Professional Practice speciality by the Education Institute of the Lisbon University allowed me to understand important matters like the reflexion about our practice in order to improving our own such in the Education field or other professional area. I am a founding member of the Studies and Research in Sexuality, the Sexual Education and the TIC Group - GEISEXT - of the Education Institute of Lisbon University which involves a part of my studies and research area. Currently (2016) I am an adviser of the Administration Council of the Portuguese Foundation The Community Agains AIDS; (FPCCSIDA). It is a NGO with an amazing work in the area of prevention, monitoring and orientation to HIV/AIDS matters and at the moment I am performing functions in one of he Centres of Counselling and Orientation to Children of the FPCCSIDA.