Alcinda Reis
With a degree in Community Nursing (1998) amd Master’s and PhD in Nursing sciences by the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute - University of Porto (2002; 2014) -research area: Cultural Competences in Nurses.
Professor at ESSS/IPSantarém, since 1994; currently vice director of Santarém School of Health Sciences.
Founding member of the Rede de Ensino Superior em Medição Intercultural (RESMI) and coordinator of the multidisciplinary thematic group- RESMI/Saúde do Alto Comissariado para as Migrações.
Integrated researcher in CINTESIS - group NrsID of Universidade do Porto and collaborator researcher at CEMRI of Universidade Aberta group Saúde, Cultura e Desenvolvimento. With several national and international publications.