
Idalina Machado
Bachelor (1998), Master (2004) and PhD (2013) in Sociology by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. Is a Professor at the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior de Serviço Social/Higher Institute of Social Work of Porto (CESSS/ISSSP), since 2002, where teaches in Social Work and Social Gerontology Degrees and in Social Intervention in Children and Youth at Risk of Exclusion Master. Since 2014 is also Invited Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology of Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. It is Integrated Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto, since 2004. Her research interests focus on Urban Sociology, particularly in the problem of fight for the right to the city and housing, in gentrification processes and social mixing and poverty and social exclusion of socially disadvantaged groups.