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person detail

Rosária Braga Pereira

I've had a degree in speech therapy since 2001, with a postgraduate qualification in Neurodevelopmental Treatment - Bobath Method, completed in 2009.

I've been working in the field of early childhood intervention since 2002, always as part of multidisciplinary teams and with a family-centred approach, initially for 13 years at the Development Assessment and Early Childhood Intervention Unit (UADIP) and later at ELI Valongo. Currently, I only work in private practice, mostly at home or by telepractice.

I am an absolute believer in the power of affection and love to transform lives and, as a consequence, a fundamentalist in the defence of children and their unquestionable right to have their families as the main defenders, promoters and facilitators of their development and learning.

Daughter. Sister of 4. Mother of 3. In permanent remodelling. "