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César Bona

Was born in Ainzón (Zaragoza) on January 5, 1972. Teacher and writer. Has a degree in English Philology and a diploma in Foreign Language Teaching from the University of Zaragoza.
Was a member of the jury for the Princess of Asturias Awards, in the Communication and Humanities category, in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
"School doors must be open, not only for children to enter, but also for their ideas to come out and transform the world." It was thoughts like these that led him to the World Congress on the Rights of the Child, on the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in Puebla, Mexico. In 2018, also took part in the World Congress in Malaga.
For his multiple projects linked to child participation, has received the Magister de Honor Award from the Public School Platform, the Crearte Award from the Ministry of Culture on two occasions for her encouragement of creativity, as well as the José de Calasanz Cross, the highest distinction in Aragonese education, and the 2013 Aragon Prize for the Environment. Also won an Honorable Mention at the International Children's Film Festival of India for the silent film "The Importance of Being an Applewhite", which he made to unite two families who didn't speak to each other. And, after 16 years of teaching, was named one of the 50 best teachers in the world, according to the Global Teacher Prize (2015).

Teaches on the master's degrees "Policies and Practices of Educational Innovation" and "Master's Degree in Emotional Intelligence" at the University of Malaga and on the Master's Degree in Emotional Intelligence and Coaching at the Jaume I University in Castellón.
He has lectured in: Brussels, European Education Area (European Commission). Catholic University of Chile. Autonomous University of Barcelona. University of Barcelona. University of Granada. University of Zaragoza. University of Castilla la Mancha. University of Huelva. University of Valencia. University of Córdoba. University of Ceuta. University of Almeria. University of Extremadura. King Juan Carlos University. University of Florida. Autonomous University of Madrid. Teacher Training University of the Basque Country. University of Jaén. University of Lleida. University of Alicante... Teacher centers, schools... And he has been invited to conferences in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Portugal... As well as in different companies, talking about the importance of the human factor in the search for excellence.

His books include The New Education (2015), The Schools that Change the World (2016), The Thrill of Learning (2018), Humanizing Education (2021), books that now serve as references in many universities. Sustainable Education is his latest book, published in March 2023. He has also written an adaptation of Don Quixote for children (2017), El asombroso mundo de Bernardo (2018) and Derechos y Deberes de la Infancia (2019).
Listening, empathy, respect for differences, the participation of children and adolescents in society and education for coexistence are the pillars she defends. She considers social commitment and commitment to nature to be essential as part of the integral education of human beings.