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Frequently Asked Questions

Account Creation and Registrations

Registering for the congress implies creating an account on the website, where you will have access to all information regarding the status of your registration and abstracts. Please check your account regularly. If you have participated in previous editions (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), do not create a new account, use the same account, please. In case you do not remember your password, you can recover it by selecting the option "Forgot password" on the LOGIN page.
To create an account:
- Click LOGIN in the upper right corner of the website
- Select the option “Create new account” and fill in all the fields with your personal data
- A confirmation email will be sent to you to validate your account. Please check your inbox, and if it’s not there, check the junk or spam boxes
- Click the link in the email and your account will be validated
Now you can LOGIN using the username and password you have chosen.

NOTE: The creation of an account does NOT automatically register you for the conference
To register for the conference, you need to enter in your personal area of the website with the LOGIN data, and then, select the tab "REGISTRATION"
Follow the instructions given by the platform. If you close the browser window before you have finished the process, you'll receive an email with the confirmation of your registration. Nevertheless, the registration will not be completed until the payment is made.

Dates and Prices

Check the Dates and Prices here.

Authors Registration

For the work to be included in the congress schedule, one of the authors must register and make the respective payment, within the date defined for author registration.
The abstract presentation can only be made by an author with a valid registration.
If more authors wish to participate, must register.

Payment Methods and Invoices

The payment method available is by credit or debit card.

For registrations financed by organizations, please contact the secretariat. Your institution may ask you for the details of the entity responsible for the non-registration invoice. The details to be provided are:

eventQualia, unipessoal Lda
Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa 1551
4150-360 Porto
NIF: 510 360 602

After payment, you can generate your invoice online. Once issued, invoices cannot be changed.

Abstract Submission

Before submitting an abstract, please read carefully the submission rules.
How to submit an abstract?
- Create an account
- Please LOGIN with the username and password you have chosen
- Select the tab ABSTRACTS
- Select the option “Submit new abstract” and fill in all the fields

Each person can submit up to 3 abstracts (Oral Communications and/or Posters)
If the person who'll present the abstract isn't the same who has submitted it, please inform the organization.
All the information about the congress and the submitted abstract - registration, payments, acceptance of the abstract - is only available for the abstract submitter.
If you want to change the abstract's owner, contact the organization.

Symposia and Proposals Submission

There are 3 steps for symposia submissions:
1) Account creation: Before submitting the proposal for a symposium, each one of the involved authors must create an account on the event’s website. This is a fundamental step, so that the authors are able to access the proposal.
2) Proposal submission: Once every user is registered, the coordinator of the symposium must log in on the website and select the tab “PROPOSALS”. Select “Submit new proposal”, fill in the required fields.
PLEASE NOTE: on the “Members” field every single authors must be listed, including the coordinator if he/she intends to present an abstract.
3) Abstract submissions for the Symposium:
Each author must log in to his/her personal account
and access the area “Proposals”. Select the symposium and proceed with the submission on the proper field.

Project Submission

The submission of projects is only intended for non-profit organizations that have a direct intervention in the thematic area of the congress.
1| Create an account on the website.
2| Send your project presentation by email to

Submission Rules

Please check here for abstract, symposia and project submissions.

Presentation Rules

The accepted abstracts can be presented by two distinct forms, Poster with discussion or Individual Oral Presentation. This choice is taken by the review team. Please check the type of your presentation on your personal area.
Check here the presentation rules.

Review Process

The review is carried out through the peer review process, in which each abstract will be evaluated by 2 experts.
Accepted abstracts may be presented in the form of a Poster or Individual Oral Communication, depending on the result of the evaluation.

Final rating: Average of the score given by each reviewer.
<8 = Not approved
9-13 = Approved for Poster
>14 = Approved for Communication

Reviewers may or may not assign review comments to papers. If any grade has been assigned to the abstract you submitted, it will be available in your personal area.
The review process has only one phase, there is no appeal.
You will receive an email with information regarding the acceptance or rejection of the work. You should access your personal area of ​​the website and check the type of presentation assigned by the review team.


The certificates will be available online up to 2 days after the conference. The certificates will be available on the personal area of the participants who have a valid registration and check in on the conference.
Participation certificate: Every registered participant who has checked in is entitled to a participation certificate.
Presentation certificate: This certificate is destined to those who SUBMIT and present an abstract. If the person who submit the abstract didn't presented it, please inform the organisation.
The certificate mentions all the authors indicated at the time of submission.
This certificate is ONLY available in the personal account of the author who submitted the abstract. To change the holder of the abstract, please contact the organization.


> Proceedings Book in electronic format (PDF), with ISBN registration - which will bring together the abstracts of all the works presented at the conference and the final texts submitted.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Payment for registrations and/or other services/activities advertised on this website can be made by credit or debit card.

Payment must be made at the time of registration; registrations not paid for by the end of each registration phase will automatically be updated to the new phase.

In the event of cancellation of registrations that have already been paid for, by October 17, the amount equivalent to 60% of the amount paid will be refunded. Until December 31, 30% of the amount paid will be refunded. As of January 1, registration cancellations will no longer be accepted.

Refunds will be made using the same method as the payment: by credit card.

Online payments are processed by an external entity. eventQualia guarantees all the necessary procedures so that electronic transactions are secure.

The law applicable to any contractual relationship within the scope of using the services of this website is Portuguese law through the competent means, namely courts.

Contact the Organization

The entity responsible for organizing this congress is eventQualia. Questions can be answered by email or phone available in the header and footer of the website pages, from Monday to Friday between 9h30 and 17h30.
During the days of the congress, the contact must be in person, through the Welcome Center set up on site, or through the mobile network +351 308 800 928.