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Organizing Entities


In its aspect of social responsibility and always bearing in mind the idea of innovation as a solution, eventqualia presents itself as a catalyst for ideas and promoter of events that by their content can contribute to public debate and to informing society in general.

Inform, disseminate and support are the key words. We intend to inform the general population, disseminate and discuss the work of technicians and researchers, and finally support non-profit institutions that operate in the field, in the most diverse areas.

Social Pediatrics Section of the Portuguese Society of Pediatrics

SPS has as its mission the protection and promotion of the defense of the Rights of Children and Young People in an evolving society, catalyzing the study, implementing good practices and stimulating research, in an ethical register, about children and adolescents in the community to which they belong, and in the light of the most recent scientific acquisitions.

It aims to be a meeting point of several interconnected disciplines, developing an integrating process, interacting and amplifying concepts and attitudes that, once applied, may contribute to the overall health of the child, adolescent, family and community.

SPortuguese Society for the Study of Abused and Neglected Children (SpeCan)

A non-profit association created in 2011 by professionals representing most of the areas involved in working with abused and neglected children, including Law, Medicine, Psychology, Sociology, Child and Youth Protection Services, and researchers, among others. SPECAN's mission is to promote, develop and disseminate scientific and technical research, from a multidisciplinary perspective, in the field of various forms of child abuse and neglect, in order to contribute to prevention and intervention in these cases.

Associação Portuguesa De Medicina Geral E Familiar

The Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine (APMGF) is a socio-professional and scientific association made up of General and Family Medicine specialists and interns. Its mission is to contribute to improving the quality of the practice and professional performance of family doctors, placing all its resources at the disposal of its members and thus contributing to the continuous improvement of health care provided to citizens. It currently has more than four thousand members.

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