person detail

Maria Fernanda dos Santos Martins
Maria Fernanda dos Santos Martins is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Sciences of Education and a researcher at the Research Centre in Education, Institute of Education of the University of Minho (Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal). In the present is vice-president of the Institute of Education and in the past she has held the position of deputy director of the Department and has also been coordinator of the Master in Education (specialization in Training, Work and Human Resources). She currently coordinates the ¿Education Policies, Governance and Management¿ research group. She holds a PhD in Education, in the area of knowledge of Organization and School Administration with the thesis entitled ¿Managerialism and Quasi-Market Education: the organizational action in a highschool at a time of transition¿. She has taught several subjects and courses in the areas of Social Sciences of Education: Sociology of Education and Educational Administration and Training Management, in terms of initial and master degree training of educators and teachers. She taught at foreign universities (Faculty of Education, Complutense University of Madrid - Erasmus Program; University of East Timor). She has supervised graduate students in the realization of academic master's and PhD in several organizations (school and non-formal education organizations). She participates in the European Research Network About Parents in Education and is the author of national and international publications on parental participation in school management, parental associations, school choice, democratic management and managerialism. Sub-coordinator of the international educational management research network (REIPEGE).