person detail

Kim Schoonen
I am a creative solution-oriented legal praticer of law and lecturer, with great affinity of familiy and yought law. Because I have worked in the field for many years, I know how to connect theory with practice. I’m not scared of problems who are complex and when I have to make a decision I take everyone’s interest in account. I’m accessible and people know what they can expect from me.
- Spending time with my family (husband and two childeren)
- Travelling and dicovering different cultures
- Climbing and moutainbiking
- Survivalruns
- Reading
- Positive
- Energetic
- Empathetic
- Teamplayer
- Thinking out of the box
- Solution oriented
- Flexible
- Responsible
- Enthusiactic
As a lecturar at InHolland University, I have redeveloped the legal frameworks for the social work program and specifically for the youth profile. These adjustments were necessary to match the profession that the students will pursue once they have their diploma.
I have also revised and improved the approach of dealing with moral dilemmas in youth care. I did this in a way that the students will be prepared to the professions they will fulfill.
And currently I am part of a group that is renewing the entire curriculum of social work education, my part is focused on the legal frameworks of the field of social work.
I really enjoy what I am doing. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to notice that the students find that what I am teaching them interesting and, above all, useful.
Master of Law: Family and healthlaw. Erasmus University. Master thesis: Forced contraception in case of failed parenting. Research: Legalisation of organ trafficing, yes or no?
Bachelor of Law. Erasmus University. Minor thesis: Human rights in a pluriform society. Graduation research: Position of men in family law
Bachelor of Pedagogy . Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Graduation research: How children deal with grieving
Lecturer at Inholland University of Applied Sciences – Social work program (2022 till now)
Law (family, juvenile, human and health), moral dilemmas and coaching students
Legal law employee at childprotection services (2017-2022)
Advise youth protectors by legal issues and representing the organization at court.
Executive employee at childprotection services (2007-2017)
Analyze the problematic situation of a child and its family and provide appropriate assistance
Groupleader of youth with behavioral problems (2006-2007)
Forensic counselor at forensic psychiatry in detention (2001-2006)
Militairy (1998-2001)