person detail

Ninetta Kazantzis
Retired Educational Psychologist.
Born in 1955 in Limassol, Cyprus.
Married with 3 children.
BA in Psychology (1977) and BA in History (1978). Master Degree in Educational Psychology (1980).
Today she is working only on a voluntary basis promoting Child Rights in Cyprus, in the Mediterranean region and the EU.
One of the founders of the Cyprus Children’s Parliament she was and still is an advocate for child participation and fights discrimination against children in any form.
Advocate for the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) she is a Trainer in sessions organised for children, adults and professionals promoting the CRC and providing insight into its implementation within the family, in schools and in work places.
Founder of the Cyprus Anti-Poverty Network and its first president, she was and still is an activist in the fight against poverty, placing utmost importance on the elimination of child poverty and exclusion.
President of the Pancyprian Coordinating Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children since 2007 (ongoing)
President of the National Anti-Poverty Network (2001-2010)
General Secretary of the Association of Women of the Mediterranean Region (AWMR) since 1996
Cyprus Ambassador during the European Year Against Poverty and Exclusion (2010)
Treasurer of Eurochild (2004-2011) and 2022 (ongoing)
General Secretary of the Mediterranean Children’s Movement since 2022 (ongoing)
General Coordinator of the Cyprus Children’s Parliament (2000 – ongoing)