person detail

Filipa Vasconcelos Espada
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in 1997.
Paediatrician dedicated to Paediatric Endocrinology, particularly Diabetes, since 2004.
Ana Filipa Pignatelli de Vasconcelos Espada
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in 1997.
Paediatrician dedicated to Paediatric Endocrinology, namely Diabetes, since 2004.
She is responsible for the Paediatric Endocrine Unit of the Women, Children and Young People's Department of the Matosinhos Local Health Unit, having implemented continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, continuous glucose monitoring in paediatrics and currently continuous insulin infusion devices with artificial intelligence.
He is also responsible for implementing, for the first time in a ULS, the pioneering project for early screening of type 1 diabetes in the pre-symptomatic phase, entitled ‘a finger that guesses’. This project is part of the European project EDENT1FI (European Action for Diagnosis of Early Non-clinical Type 1 Diabetes for Disease Interception).
She is the author of several articles and presentations in the field of paediatric endocrinology, both in pre- and post-graduate training and for other professionals, and has received several awards in this field.
She is also a member of various societies and working groups: SPP, ASIC, SPEDP, SEDP, SEDP's Puberty Working Group. She was General Secretary and Chair of the Supervisory Board of SPEDP.