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Beatriz Oliveira Pereira

Beatriz Pereira is Full Professor of the University of Minho, Institute of Education, Portugal and is member of the Research Centre on Child Studies (FCT). 


Beatriz Pereira is Full Professor of the University of Minho, Institute of Education, Portugal and is member of the Research Centre on Child Studies (FCT). She has developed research projects about bullying in schools and was member of an international project about the same topic with the financial support of the UE. She is author or co-author of six books about physical activity, heath and leisure “Atividade Física, Saúde e Lazer” or bullying at school. She has published chapters in several books and articles in journals, as well as several conference proceedings. She had supervised 8 PhD tessis concluded and she is supervinsing six. She also supervised more than 35 master degree dissertations.