person detail

George Bogdanov
George Bogdanov is the Executive Director of the National Network for Children. He has a PhD on Sociology, Anthropology and art science from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. George has a significant background in working with civil groups, NGOs, the Roma community in Bulgaria as well as with isolated communities by means of the approach for development of the communities. He has worked as a consultant for Charity Know How – Great Britain and as evaluation consultant for UNICEF and the World Bank. He was socio-economic expert in the field of anti-discrimination 2009-2013 and since 2005 he is national coordinator and social inclusion consultant for Bulgaria on Social Policy assisting the EC’s DG Employment Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. George was part of management board of Eurochild from 2010 till 2017 and from 2017 he is President of ChildPact. He is an author and co-author of a number of reports and researches in the sphere of child welfare, civic organisations, decentralisation, poverty and social inclusion, health, social services and antidiscrimination.