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Presentation Rules

Presentation Rules

Abstracts presentation types are defined by the review team. After receiving the email with the information about the acceptance or rejection of your abstract(s), please check your presentation type(s) at your personal area.


  • -Format: Printed in A0, 1189mm Height x 841 width
  • -Language:Portuguese, Spanish, English.
  • The format must follow the following rules:
  • -Base: The use of congress’ official template is mandatory. You will be able to freely change the available layout (download here: Keynote version; Porwerpoint version)
  • -Font: Arial
  • -3 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of discussion
  • Note: Each individual can make up to 3 presentations (including Posters and Communications)

Posters printing service: ICCA provides a printing and posting service for 20€. You can register in your personal area in the website, registrations tab. The file must necessarily be sent until January 16 2019 in PDF format. The organization will not print or post any poster if sent after this date or if it does not follow the rules referenced above.

at a glance: If you are not interested in this service, please do not upload your poster at your personal area.

Oral Communications

  • -7 minutes of presentation followed by 3 minutes of discussion. The participants must meet the stipulated time in order to avoid delays in the program.
  • -Language: Portuguese, Spanish, English.
  • -Base: The use of congress’ official template is mandatory. You will be able to freely change the available layout (download here: Keynote version; Porwerpoint version) Max. of 8 slides.
  • -The file must be sent until 16 January 2019, through your personal area of the website. Presentations sent by email or after this date won't be accepted. Presentations sent by e-mail or transported in pen drives to the congress, will not be regarded by the organization. Carefully confirm the file before submitting it because changes on the spot will not be allowed.
  • -We don’t recommend the use of online programs for the presentation. Regarding logistic issues, it's not allowed the use of the powerpoint presenter viewer (with notes). The participants must bring any support they consider necessary (paper, tablet, pointer, etc).
  • If the individual who submitted the abstract is not the one who will present, please report to the organization.
  • If you are interested in the possibility of virtual presentation, please inform the organization.
  • After the congress, the authors will be invited to send the paper for a congress ebook publication. The publication is optional and subjected to revision.

Note: Each individual can make up to 3 presentations (including Posters and Communications)

Symposium/Project Communications

Symposium and Project presentations must follow the oral communications’ rules even though the presentation length are different.

  • Symposium: 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes of discussion
  • Project Communications: 10 Minutes followed by 5 minutes of presentation

Virtual Presentations

If you want to present virtually, you must report the organization in due course.

The virtual presentation implies the recording of a offline video (previously sent to the organization), and a moment of online connection and live presentation. The participant must send the organization a Skype contact so that, a few minutes before the Oral Communication scheduled timetable we connect via video call. If there is more than one virtual presentation in the same session a video conference will be conducted with the participants. The participant must commit to being available for the connect in the scheduled timetable (entire) in which your communication is inserted. The video must have, at max. 7 minutes and it must be submitted in your personal area in the website, in the “abstracts” tab, in Mp4. format. Abstracts that are approved to the oral communications category can be presented virtually.

Note: The presentations will be given a virtual presentation certificate and will be included in the congress’ proceeding.