Scientific Committee

Scientific Support

The Associação Portuguesa de Ciências Forenses scientifically supports and collaborates with the organization, by way of SpeCan's participation, since the 2nd edition, in 2018. An asset that allowed us to bring to the debate the issues of sexuality in childhood and adolescence.


Present since the 1st edition in 2017, the Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia has made a fundamental contribution in the evaluation and selection of scientific works. A sociological look is essential in a multidisciplinary event like this one, whose theme of discussion has always been "childhood and adolescence social issues".

aps logo pequeno

The Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clinica scientifically supports and collaborates with the organization, since the 3rd edition, in 2019. An asset that allowed us to bring to the debate the issues of sexuality in childhood and adolescence.


Scientific Committee

Alexandra Vasconcelos (SPS-SPP)

Amélia Augusto (UBI)

Bruno Dionísio (Cics.Nova, FCSH/UNL)

Carlos Escobar (SPS-SPP)

Cristiana Madureira (ESECS-IPL)

David Tavares (ESTeSL; APS)

Deolinda Barata (SPS-SPP)

Filipe Martins (FEP-UCP)

Idalina Machado (FLUP)

Isabel Dias (FLUP)

Isabel Monteiro (ESS-UA)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro (FDUL)

Leonor Lima Torres (IE-UM)

Linda Saraiva (ESE-IPVC)

Luisa Teles (SPS-SPP)

Madalena Sofia Oliveira (SpeCan)

Manuela Sanches Ferreira (ESE-IPP)

Margarida Reis Santos (ESEP)

Maria de Lurdes Torre (SPS-SPP)

Maria João Alves (SpeCan)

Maria Manuel Zarcos (SPS-SPP)

Mariana Gaio Alves (FCT/UNL)

Neide Urbano (HDE)

Noémia Lopes (ISCTE-IUL; APS)

Paula Costa ("A comunidade contra a SIDA" - CAOJ)

Paula Guerra (FLUP)

Raquel Leitão (ESE-IPVC)

Sara Melo (ISSSP)

Sérgio Costa Araújo (ESE-IPP)

Teresa Magalhães (SpeCan)

Vânia Pinto (Rees Centre, Dep. of Education, University of Oxford)

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