Last Editions
International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

Porto, Fundação Dr. António Cupertino De Miranda
414 participants; 12 round tables, 62 speakers, 3 lectures, 349 submitted abstracts, 182 presented oral communications, 95 presented posters, 7 project presentations; 2 symposia, 2 book presentations.
At its 3rd edition, ICCA's returned to Porto, between 23-25 January 2019, at Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda. Like the previous editions, the participants had the opportunity to explore a multidisciplinary view on the social issues of childhood and adolescence, held by 62 speakers and chairs from several fields. New Family models, Female Neurodevelopment, Autonomy and Dependency, Positive Parenting, Organic and Functional Diseases, Paliative Care, Privacy Rights, Gender and Sex Identity, Deinstitutionalization and Nutritional Education were some of the discussion topics. Once again, ICCA promoted a unique and memorable experience of sharing contacts, knowledge and points of view.
Publications Schedule
Lisboa; Olaias Park Hotel
559 participants from around the world, 15 round tables, 67 Speakers, 4 lectures, 391 abstracts submitted, 168 oral communications, 129 posters, 7 project Presentations; 4 symposia.
The 2nd International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence and the 5th Annual Meeting of the Social Paediatric Subcommittee (SPS-SPP) of the Portuguese Society of Paediatrics, will took place on 25th, 26th, and 27th of January 2018, at Olaias Park Hotel (Lisbon). The conference accomplished the main goal of promote a discussion on the social issues of childhood, introducing innovative discussion formats which are more open to the active participation of the audience. The multidisciplinary approach was one the great advantages of this conference, which permitted to the participants to establish contact with other perspectives and points of view, as well as share experiences and knowledge.
Publications Program Speakers
Porto; Centro de Congressos da Alfândega
456 participants from around the world, 15 round tables, 5 Lectures, 128 Oral Communications, 104 posters, 14 project presentations; prizes awarded in 3 categories: best oral communication, best poster, best project.
The 1st International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence took place at Alfândega do Porto, between 26th and 28th of January 2017. The edition of 2017 was pointed by the participation of researchers, professors, students and technicians in several areas, as well as institutions which daily works are with childhood and adolescence issues. The organising committee, in cooperation with eventQualia’s team, selected an heterogeneous pool of key-speakers whose work has the ability to make the participation on the conference as fulfilling as possible.The choice of the plenary sessions and, mainly, the composition of the round-tables, was also thought to encourage discussion, inviting the active participation of the audience and allowing a broad share of knowledge and know-how.
Publications Program Speakers