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Activity detail

RT4 | Deinstitutionalization - what has changed in Portugal and in Europe since the 1st edition of this panel at ICCA 2017?


Sérgio Costa Araújo
Professor, ESE-IPP | Researcher, inED - Independente

Benefiting children growing up in institutional care: the need for deinstitutionalisation (DI) reforms in the transition from institutional to family- and community-based care in Europe and Portugal. 2019’s situation and developments.

Francisco Branco

Being a Foster Family in Portugal – Motivation and Experiences

Isabel Pastor
Diretora de Unidade de Adoção, Apadrinhamento Civil e Acolhimento Familiar da SCML

Deinstitutionalization – one route, a crossroad .

João Pedro Gaspar
Investigator, IPCDHS-UC/FCT | Coordinator, PAJE Plataform

Life project: "autonomy" - Evolution of exit profile from Residential Care

Sérgio Costa Araújo
Professor, ESE-IPP | Researcher, inED - Independente

Benefiting children growing up in institutional care: the need for deinstitutionalisation (DI) reforms in the transition from institutional to family- and community-based care in Europe and Portugal. 2019’s situation and developments.