Carlos Silva Peixoto

clinical and forensic psychology

Carlos Silva Peixoto - Postgraduate in clinical and forensic psychology. Diversified professional experience, focusing on the field of childhood and youth, currently works at the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and the Protection of Children and Young People. Develops training and research in the fields of children's rights and protection.


Higher Technician in The Comissão de Promoção dos Direitos e Proteção de Crianças; He has bachelor regre and post-graduate in Forensic and Clinical Psychology.

Registered in the Order of Psychologists with base Specialities in Clinical and Health Psychology and Organisations and Social Psychology, with advanced Specialities of Justice and Community Psychology.

Participation in the group work in Cassel Hospital - Therapeutic Unity specialized  in personality disorders with adolescents, adults and families - London - United Kingdom and Therapeutic Community Glebe House - Specialized foster structure for children/adolescents at risk - Cambridge - United Kingdom;

Diversified professional experience, with focus in the childhood and adolescence area; Several national and two international publications with scientific triage. In a total of nine in which 3 are books and 6 are articles.

Participation in projects and presentation of 83 communications and posters in congresses.

Guest Professor in post-graduations and master degrees. Trainer in several areas of training actions.

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