Ana Cláudia Mendes Chasqueira


Ana Cláudia Mendes Chasqueira has a bachelor degree in Health and Clinical Psychology by the ISPA and postgraduate in Advising and Behavioural and Cognitive Psycotherapy of children and adolecents in the APTCCi. She is a member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. She is certified and trained in the clinical practice of coursed ADI-R (Austism Diagnostic Interview-Revised) and ADOS 2 (Austism Diagbostic Observation Schedule).

She initiated in the Núcleo de Psicologia Pediátrica of the Pediatrics Department  in the Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca and later contributed in the Psychiatric Service of Childhood and Adolescence in the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo and in the CADIn - Neurodevelopment and Inclusion. Now-a-days she integrates on the Center de Neurodesenvolvimento e comportamento da Criança e do Adolescente in the Hospital da Luz and the Belong - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Saúde.

Her preferencial intervention areas are disorders of neurodevelopment, anxiety disorders (selective mutism, obsessive-compulsive disorder), humor disorders, tics and personality disorders.

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