Vitor Cruz

Professor and Researcher - FMH-UL

With a bachelor degree in Special Education and Rehabilitation, he also has a master degree in Special Education and a doctorate degree with specialisation in Special Education and Rehabilitation. He is also assistant professor in the department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities in the University of Human Kinetics from Lisbon University. Consultant in the area of Learning Difficulties in the Centre of Development and Learning SEI.

Authors of the following books:

  • From Learning to Reading to Reading to learn: A guide for professors, educators and parents;
  • Understanding the reading and the difficulties in your learning;
  • Specific learnings difficulties;
  • Cognitive approach in Reading;
  • Learning difficulties: Foundations;
  • Cognitive Education and Learning;

Author of several book chapters and related articles with new themes as: Intelligence, Learning, Cognition, Cognitive Education, Learning difficulties, Reading learning difficulties, Special Educational Needs and others of the speciality.

Interests centred in the Intelligent questions; Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Education, Learning in reading, Learning difficulties and Special Educational Needs.

At this moment, beyond teaching, he is also Coordinator of the Post-grad in Special Education - Motor and Cognitive Domain of the Human Kinetics, he is the Editor if the Magazine of Special educations and Rehabilitation, developing investigation in the evaluation area and intervention in Reading and in Reading and Reading Learning difficulties.

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