Oradores Convidados


Carles Feixa

Social Anthropologist

Carles Feixa

Social Anthropologist

Carles Feixa (Lleida, 1962), has a PhD in Social Anthropology by the University of Barcelona and Honoris Causa by the University of Manizales (Colombia). Currently, he is a full professor at the University of Lleida. He has been a visiting investigator in research centres in Rome, Mexico, Paris, Buenos Aires and California Berkeley. Freixa is specialised in the study of youth cultures, conducting several field researchs in Catalunya and Mexico. He is the author of more than 25 books, among which, De jovenes, bandas y tribus (Barcelona, 1998), El Reloj de Arena (México, 1998), Culturas juveniles en España (Madrid, 2003), Jovens na America Latina (Sao Paulo, 2004) and Global Youth? (London & New York, 2006).


He is coeditor of the journal Young (Londres/Delhi) and a member of the Consejo Editorial de Nueva Antropología (México), Nómadas (Bogotá), Mondi Migranti (Milano) y Analise Social (Lisboa). He was an advisor for youth policies at the United Nations and he is Vicepresident of the Research Committee “Youth Sociology” of the International Sociological Association”.

Carlos Neto

Lecturer at the Faculty of Human Kinetics

Carlos Neto

Lecturer at the Faculty of Human Kinetics

Professor and faculty (since 1985) in the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH) da Universidade de Lisboa (UL).

Mauro Paulino

Psicológo Clínico e Forense

Mauro Paulino

Psicológo Clínico e Forense

Forensic and Clinical Psychologist. Doctorate in Forensic Psychology by the Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. Coordinator  of Mind | Clinical and Forensic Psychology. Forensic Psychologist Consultant of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences. Author and coordinator of several books. His inseres areas are domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and minor pornography, the evaluations and forensic context report, abused senior people as well as pandemic psychology.

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Alexandrina Dimitrova

Executive Director of The Cedar Foundation

Alexandrina Dimitrova

Executive Director of The Cedar Foundation

Alexandrina Dimitrova is Executive Director of The Cedar Foundation – a Bulgarian NGO with 15 years of experience in deinstitutionalization and provision of quality social services to disadvantaged groups. Alexandrina leads a team of 100 employees and is responsible for the sustainable development of the organization, its advocacy activities, and diversified fundraising from corporate and individual donors. Under her lead, the foundation has expanded its activities by doubling the number of social services it manages, and currently provides 8 small group homes for children and young people, primarily with disabilities, and one social rehabilitation and integration center. For 5 years now, Alexandrina has been a co-chair of Bulgaria’s Expert Working Group on Deinstitutionalization together with the State Agency of Child Protection. She is also a presenter at forums dedicated to the deinstitutionalization reform in Bulgaria, and quality provision of social services.

Alexandrina has a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Sofia University and has completed a course in Political Science at the University of Missouri, USA with a scholarship from the Young Leaders of Bulgaria program. In 2015 she was chosen as one of the "40 under 40" leaders in Darik Radio project, and in 2018 was featured in Forbes Bulgaria "30 under 30" selection.

Alfredo Sá Cunha


Alfredo Sá Cunha


Licenciado em Gestão de Marketing e atualmente a tirar mestrado em Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos

Institucionalizado desde o ano de 2000

Presidente do Grupo YoungExperts - Jovens com experiência em acolhimento, com preocupações nas questões dos direitos das crianças e jovens durante e após o acolhimento.

Membro fundador da AjudAjudar - Associação para a promoção dos direitos das crianças e jovens

Ana Cláudia Mendes Chasqueira


Ana Cláudia Mendes Chasqueira


Ana Cláudia Mendes Chasqueira has a bachelor degree in Health and Clinical Psychology by the ISPA and postgraduate in Advising and Behavioural and Cognitive Psycotherapy of children and adolecents in the APTCCi. She is a member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. She is certified and trained in the clinical practice of coursed ADI-R (Austism Diagnostic Interview-Revised) and ADOS 2 (Austism Diagbostic Observation Schedule).

She initiated in the Núcleo de Psicologia Pediátrica of the Pediatrics Department  in the Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca and later contributed in the Psychiatric Service of Childhood and Adolescence in the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo and in the CADIn - Neurodevelopment and Inclusion. Now-a-days she integrates on the Center de Neurodesenvolvimento e comportamento da Criança e do Adolescente in the Hospital da Luz and the Belong - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Saúde.

Her preferencial intervention areas are disorders of neurodevelopment, anxiety disorders (selective mutism, obsessive-compulsive disorder), humor disorders, tics and personality disorders.

Ana Filipa Beato

Psychologist and sex therapist

Ana Filipa Beato

Psychologist and sex therapist

Ana Filipa Beato has a bachelor degree in Clinical Psychology,  expertise in cognitive-behavioural by the Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. Postgraduate and sexual therapist by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia clínica. Master in Psychology - Stress and well-being area by the Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa. Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the fields of anxiety disorders in childhood in the same institution. Her intervention fields are: evaluation and intervention with children and teenagers and their families in the core of short attention span and hyperactivity, humor and behavioural disorders. She is also co-responsible by the coordination of the core os sexology and education for sexuality of PIN, in which she clinical accompanies young people, adult and couples.

Ana Gaspar


Ana Gaspar



Analu Trevizan

Forensic Social Service

Analu Trevizan

Forensic Social Service


Ana Santos

Técnica Superior

Ana Santos

Técnica Superior

With a PhD from Universidade Aberta, and developing the Thesis project: Paths of autonomy and participation in children at residencial care. With a Master Degree in Intervention in Childhood and Youth at Risk of Exclusion by Higher Institut of Social Service in Porto. Post-graduated in European Perspectives on Social Inclusion in Educational Sciences by Faculty of Pshycology and Educational Sciences by Oporto University. Trainer in the areas of Sociocultural Animation; Project, management and monitoring; Victimology (Children at Risk and particularly Vulnerable Victims). Superior Profissional in the Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, where she helpedd functions as Vice-president and president of the CPCJ for over more than a decade. Currently responsible for monitoring and developing municipal projects in the areas of Education and Social Inclusion, respectively in the prevention of absenteeism and/or school dropout. Author of the book "O Modelo de Proteção à Infância: Entre a Justiça e a Comunidade (2016) and the chapter "O gestor de Caso na CPCJ" in the book "Da infância à terceira idade: Intervenção em Contextos de Violência e no crime - Guia Prático para Estudantes e Profissionais" (2018)

André João Tavares Pacheco Rodrigues


André João Tavares Pacheco Rodrigues


Social phycologist, Master in Criminal Phycology and deviant behaviour and doctorate in Education and Physiology by the Oviedo University.

Now he is author and coordinator of the First National Study about Well.being in the Portuguese Protection System promotion by the Health Ministry - The Directorate- General Health: National Program for Mental Health and by the Labour Ministry and Social Solidarity: CNPDCJ in continental Portugal and Autonomous Region of Madeira.

He began is professional career in 2001 with at risk and vulnerable population, by being the Technical Director of several residential Foster Homes in Portugal and the first Technical Director of Casa do Gaiato in Portugal.

He houses in his professional experience as specialist instructor ins the fields of social and personal competences; deviant behaviour psychology; adult live transition and residential fostering. He also is, in continental Portugal, Madeira and Azores technical supervisor of several Children and teenagers in danger foster homes.

He is (co)author and scientific coordinator of the Educational projects of Foster Homes in the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and Azores (52 foster homes) and 2 in Lisbon.

He is a guest professor in several Portuguese and foreign universities in the courses of childhood and youth at risk, deviant behaviours and emotional disorders. He houses also several national and international publications in the field of youth and childhood.

Carlos Silva Peixoto

clinical and forensic psychology

Carlos Silva Peixoto

clinical and forensic psychology

Carlos Silva Peixoto - Postgraduate in clinical and forensic psychology. Diversified professional experience, focusing on the field of childhood and youth, currently works at the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and the Protection of Children and Young People. Develops training and research in the fields of children's rights and protection.

Carmen Sánchez Hernández

Professor and Researcher - Universidade de Málaga

Carmen Sánchez Hernández

Professor and Researcher - Universidade de Málaga

Carmen Sánchez Hernández has a bachelor degree in law by the Universidad de Málaga (1990) and has the Premio Extraordinary de Licenciatura. She is doctorate in Law by the Universidad de Málaga (1995) and Full Professor of Civil Law (2000). She was coordinator of the masters degree of Mediation since the Academic Degree 2010/11 of the Faculdad de Derecho de la Universaidad de Málaga until 2015/2’16. Before she was the Academic Director of the degree of Mediation and Extrajudicial of conflicts in the Faculdad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga (Academic degree 2003/2004), Expert Title in Mediation (Academic degree 2004/2004); Master in Mediation (Academic degrees 2005/06; 2006/07; 2007/08; 2008/09). Research sections: 3 six-year periods. Faculty sections: 5 five-year periods. Stays in foreigns Investigations centres: Law School of Regensburg University (Germany); Law School of Colonia University (Germany); Law School of Phanteón-Assas University. Paris II (France) and Law school of Lisbon University (Portugal.

Carmen Sousa


Carmen Sousa



Celina Claudio


Celina Claudio


Celina Cláudio é formada em Serviço Social pelo Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto. Desde 2003 que trabalha na Associação para a Educação e a Solidariedade, Mundos de Vida e exerce atualmente funções de Diretora Técnica do Serviço da Família, que integra os seguintes serviços: Serviço de Acolhimento Familiar para Crianças e Jovens, Casa de Acolhimento e CAFAP. É coordenadora da rede de trabalho Centro de Estudos Comparados da Criança em Família. Tem contribuído para variadas publicações na área do sistema de proteção de crianças e jovens.

César Chaves

Professor Adjunto- ESDL-IPVC

César Chaves

Professor Adjunto- ESDL-IPVC

Doctorate in Physical Activity and Health, FADEUP

Professor at Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer of Instituto Politécnicco de Viana de Castelo

Trainer, author and speaker in the areas of fitness, exercice, health and speacial populations and nutrition and sport supplementation. 

Cidália Silva

Professor of Architecture and Urbanism

Cidália Silva

Professor of Architecture and Urbanism

Cidália Silva (PhD) is an Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Minho’s School of Architecture, Director of the PhD Program in Architecture and Integrated Research Member of Lab2PT (Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory at University of Minho), being Vice-coordinator of the LandS Group of this laboratory. She works with three interconnected approaches: since 2004, she has investigated the shift of the paradigm from the city to the expanded urban territory; in this framework, since 2007, she has pursued deeper focal research into the issues of Time and Uncertainty. Since 2017 she has been engaged in researching the role of children in the transformation of the contemporary urban space. In this context, she is the coordinator of the Project on Architecture and Urbanism of the ProChild CoLAB – a Portuguese nationwide consortium with a transdisciplinary approach dedicated to combatting poverty and social exclusion in children from 0 to 10 years old. Being an active participant in various interdisciplinary conferences, and having published in national and international journals, she is also the editor of The International Journal of the Constructed Environment.

Clara Abadesso

Pediatric Intensive Care

Clara Abadesso

Pediatric Intensive Care

  • Assistente Hospitalar Graduada de Pediatria, UCIEP, Hospital Prof. Dr. Fernando Fonseca, EPE
  • Sub-especialidade em Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos
  • Sub-especialização em Ciências da Dor pela Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (2009-2010)
  • Formação especifica na área da dor pediátrica: Estágio (2 meses) na Unidade de Terapia Antálgica do Hospital Universitário de Pádua – Itália (2006); Estágio de observação (Fellow observation) no Serviço de Dor Pediátrica no Children’s Hospital Boston – Harvard University (1 mês, 2011); 4th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class – Minneapolis 2011
  • Criadora (2010) e coordenadora do Núcleo Contra a Dor do Departamento de Pediatria do Hospital Prof. Dr. Fernando Fonseca, EPE
  • Responsável pela consulta de dor pediátrica do Hospital Prof. Dr. Fernando Fonseca, EPE
  • Membro internacional do grupo de formação e investigação em dor pediátrica PICH – Pain in Child Health (Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research) (desde 2013)
  • Coordenadora do Grupo de Trabalho Dor na Criança da APED - Associação Portuguesa Estudo Dor (desde dezembro 2016; membro desde 2012).
  • Organização dos Workshops de Hipnose Pediátrica para Controlo da Dor e Ansiedade (4 edições desde 2015)

Cristina Mendoza


Cristina Mendoza



Cristina Padez


Cristina Padez


Research Centre for Anthropology and Health
Department of Life Sciences, FCTUC

University of Coimbra

Diana Moreira

Pediatrician | Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho

Diana Moreira

Pediatrician | Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho

Bachelor degree in Medicine by the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto (1999 | 2005) 

Internship in the Pediatrics Immunology and Infectology Services in the Great North Chilren's Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyn, England (april | july 2011) 

Hospital Assistant in Medical Pediatrics, funcioning in the appointments of Pediatrics Immunology and Infectology in Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho (CHVNG/E) since march 2012. 

Connecting link and enabling factor of the Local Coordinator Group of the Prevention and Infection Control and Resistence to antimicrobial Program (CGL-PPCIRA) in the Pediatrics Service in CHVNG/E. Member of  Direct Support of the Assistence of Prescription of antibiotics Program (PAPA) of the GCL-PPCIRA of the CHVNG/E. Member of the work group of Antimicrobial of support to the commission of Terapeutics and pharmacy of CHVNG/E. 

Voluntary professor in the curricular course of Pediatrics, 6th year of Integrated Master Degree of Medicine in the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. 

Member of the board of the Sociedade de Infeciologia Pediatrica since 2013. 

Member of the commission of vaccination of SIP and SPP in the biennium 2013-2015 and 2015-2017. 

Presentation of scientific work in national and international congresses. Publication of scientific articles. Member of scientific societies. 


Dina Macedo

Social Service

Dina Macedo

Social Service

Técnica no Departamento de Desenvolvimento Social, Unidade de Infância e Juventude, Serviços Centrais do Instituto da Segurança Social, e Docente no Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas, do Mestrado de Educação Social _ Intervenção com Crianças e Jovens em Risco.

Ester Sara Cabanes i Vall

Directora general d'Atenció a la Infància i l'Adolescència

Ester Sara Cabanes i Vall

Directora general d'Atenció a la Infància i l'Adolescència

Directora general d'Atenció a la Infància i l'Adolescència

Generalitat de Catalunya

Filipe Saramago

Psychotherapist and clinical psychologist

Filipe Saramago

Psychotherapist and clinical psychologist

Psychotherapist and clinical psychologist by training, he worked in the area of promotion and protection of children and young people since 2001. First as a psychologist in childrens Residential Care and in Family Intervention Teams and since 2017 as director of the Centro de Capacitação de Alvalade and of the Casa de Acolhimento Santa Joana, from Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa.

Florence Koenderink

Independent consultant

Florence Koenderink

Independent consultant

Florence is an independent consultant in child protection and alternative care system reform. She has been involved in alternative care for 14 years, working predominantly in low- and middle-income countries. She founded Family-Based Solutions with a website as an awareness-raising platform.

Harriet Ward


Harriet Ward


Harriet Ward is Emeritus Professor of Child and Family Research at Loughborough University and Honorary Research Fellow at the Rees Centre, University of Oxford.


Harriet has over 30 years of experience both as a research director and field researcher, as an adviser to policymakers and service providers, and as a social work practitioner. She was academic adviser to the joint DH/DfE research initiative on safeguarding children and chaired the DfE working party on neglect. She has given invited expert evidence to parliamentary committees and inquiries on looked after children, child and family social work, child protection and foster care. She represents England on the Board of EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents), and is a founder member of the international network of research on transitions to adulthood from care (INTRAC). In 2019, with Fred Wulczyn and Jane Barlow,  she founded the International Network on Infants and Toddlers in Child Protection. She has a EUSARF lifetime achievement award and was awarded a CBE for services to children and families in 2012.


Harriet’s research interests focus on the relationship between the state and the family both now and in the past. Her research programme includes: the construction and piloting of a methodology for assessing the outcomes of local authority care (the Looking After Children Project); studies of the relationship between costs and outcomes in children’s services; an empirical study of the experiences of children who entered the Waifs and Strays Society (Children’s Society) in the nineteenth century; and an eight year prospective longitudinal study of children identified in infancy as likely to suffer significant harm. She is currently working on a major study (with Barnardo’s Australia) of the outcomes of open adoption in New South Wales, and (with colleagues from Lancaster University) on the development of national guidelines aimed at improving practice concerning parent/infant removal in the first few days of life. Findings from Harriet’s research programme have underpinned developments in policy and practice concerning child protection, children in care and adoption in the UK, the USA, Australia and several European countries.

Hugo Pedro Silva Costa Rodrigues

Pediatra | CH Alto Minho - V. Castelo

Hugo Pedro Silva Costa Rodrigues

Pediatra | CH Alto Minho - V. Castelo


Pediatrics, Local Unit of Health Alto Minho, EPE. Lecturer on the School of Health Sciencies of Minho; Trainer of Pediatric's Life Advanced Support, by theEuropean Ressuscitation Council. Member of the the board of Portuguese Society of Adolescence Medicine and author of the books  “Pediatra para Todos” and “Primeiros Socorros - Bebés e Crianças”. Author of the blog and app for android “Pediatria para Todos”. Colaborator on the program  “A Tarde é Sua” on TVI and “Filhos e Cadilhos” on Porto Canal.  Colaborator of Visão magazine and Saúda magazine. 

Inês Guedes de Oliveira

Researcher and Professor

Inês Guedes de Oliveira

Researcher and Professor

Professora e Investigadora. Universidade de Aveiro

Vice Diretora da Licenciatura em Educação Básica

Jeffrey Longhofer

Associate Professor

Jeffrey Longhofer

Associate Professor

Jeffrey Longhofer (Ph.D., 1986, Anthropology, University of Kansas; MSW, 2002, Smith College School for Social Work) is an associate professor of social work at Rutgers University. He is a clinical social worker and applied anthropologist whose research focuses on health and mental health practice, the cross-cultural study of mental illness, mental health case management, and the roles stigma and shame play in the social and psychological dynamics of practitioner/patient interactions. His work is aimed at understanding the multi-level sites where chronic mental and physical illness intersect to produce biographical disruptions, narrative reconstructions, renegotiated senses of selfhood and positive action aimed at the production of well being. His recent ethnographic research has been in childcare settings and among children with parents suffering from life-threatening illnesses. He has worked on cultural constructions of health and illness and old age among the Mennonites, Old Order Amish, and Hutterian Brethren, and on the organizational culture and patterns of communication among cancer patients, family members, and practitioners. His research has appeared in journals including Psychiatric Services, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, Transcultural Psychiatry, Journal of Aging Studies, Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, Families, Systems and Health, Social Work and Mental Health, Ethnohistory, and Theory and Society. He is coauthor of a forthcoming book (2010) for Columbia University Press: On Having and Being a Case Manager: A Relational Method for Recovery (with Jerry Floersch and Paul Kubek). His second book, under contract with Oxford University Press, Qualitative Methods for Practice," looks at how qualitative methods can be used most effectively in the study of open practice systems (with Jerry Floersch and Janet Hoy). He has served as the associate editor for the Society for Applied Anthropology journal, Human Organization, and editor of the American Anthropological Association journal, Culture and Agriculture. He serves on the editorial boards of Culture and Agriculture and the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. He is a fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology and a 2007 graduate of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center.

Jerry Floersch

Associate Professor

Jerry Floersch

Associate Professor

Jerry Floersch, Professor Associado na Rutgers University School of Social Work, é um graduado de 1998 da University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. Depois de acabar o mestrado de segurança social da University of Kansas, trabalhou como assistente social em contextos de drogas e álcool, hospitalar, saúde mental e comunidade. Administrou o serviço numa crise de saúde mental e foi uma pessoa chave no desenvolvimento e implementação de medidas e programas para adultos com doenças mentais severas. É autor de “Meds, Money and Manners: The Case Management of Severe Mental Illness” publicado por Columbia University Press (2002), onde, utilizando etnografia e métodos sócio-históricos, examinou o aumento de serviços de apoio numa comunidade, o aumento de gestor de casos and gestão de casos e os limites dos modelos de gestão em fornecer serviços. É um recetor recente de NIMH K08 (2004-2009) para formação e desenvolvimento de métodos qualitativos para estudar a experiência de juventude subjectiva a tratamento de psicotrópicos. O seu trabalho em tratamentos psicotrópicos foca-se no significado que os adolescentes e adultos colocam nos seus tratamentos, incluindo os “efeitos secundários” sociais e psicológicos. Em 2008 recebeu o prémio de Case Western Reserve University Presidential Research Initiative award, onde como PI, liderou uma investigação de dois anos, sobre o uso dos serviços de saúde mental de universitários, incluindo medicação psiquiatra. O seu novo livro com Jeffrey Longhofer e Paul Kubek, “On Having and Being a Case Manager”, constrói no trabalho inicial nesta área explorando um método clinico para gestor de casos práticos. Está, atualmente, a conduzir um estudo em vários locais de estudantes universitários que usam medicação psiquiátrica. Tem um novo livro sob contrato com a Oxford University Press: Qualitative Methods for Practice.

Joana Almeida

Psychologist and sex therapist

Joana Almeida

Psychologist and sex therapist

Psychologist and sex therapist at Centro de Desenvolvimento Infantil DIFERENÇAS

João Breda

Head WHO European Office

João Breda

Head WHO European Office

João Breda is the Head of the NCD Office in Moscow, Russian Federation. This office leads WHO work on strengthening national capacity in all 53 countries in the WHO European Region to prevent and control NCDs, promote an intersectoral approach and develop policies to tackle NCDs. The office has been setup as the innovation powerhouse for NCDs prevention and management in Europe and beyond. J. Breda is also the Programme Manager: Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity at WHO/Europe. His team is leading the largest childhood obesity surveillance mechanisms & developed the first European Physical Activity for Health Strategy. Initiatives, tools and publications:
http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/disease-prevention/nutrition; http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/obesity

JB is a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from Porto University. Graduated in Nutritional Sciences also at Porto University. He has done his Master Degree in Public Health by the Medical Sciences Faculty of Universidade Nova Lisboa and an MBA.

In Portugal, João Breda worked as a Public Health Nutritionist at the General Health Directorate and ARS Centro having launched and led for several years the National Platform Against Obesity. Published in scientific journals and presented in national and international congresses, several dozens of papers and also published several original books. He was Researcher and Professor of Nutrition at Universidade Atlântica and Head of Department of the Nutritional Sciences where he developed and implemented the first Nutritional Sciences Bachelor. Was also had academic functions at Algarve University, Higher School of Agriculture in Coimbra and the Tourism and Hospitality School of Coimbra. 

João Rodrigues

Nutritionist and Researcher

João Rodrigues

Nutritionist and Researcher

João Rodrigues holds a degree in Nutrition Sciences, a degree in Biochemistry, a PhD in Biomedical Sciences and habilitation in Dental Medicine. He is a professor of higher education at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and Polytechnic Institute of Porto.

In addition to teaching, he develops clinical practice as a nutritionist in Viana do Castelo, Caminha and Ponte de Lima. He Isa lso thea uthor of the book “Duelos de Alimentos” and the blog “Mundo da Nutrição” (http://www.mundodanutricao.com/). He collaborates regularly with various media (television, radio and press).

His main areas of interest include the impact that different foods and different feeding patterns can have on health promotion and disease prevention.

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Professor and Researcher (FDUL)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Professor and Researcher (FDUL)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro was born in Lisbon in 1966. He has a bachelor degree (1989) and a masters degree (1995) in Law by the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade (Classica) de Lisboa where he is assistant. He dedicates himself to teaching since 1989. He taught Civil Procedural Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Law of obligations, Family Law and Succetions, Enterprise Law, Economy and Fiscal Law. He published Fase introdutória dos embargos de terceiro (1992), Garantia bancária (1992) and final dissertation os his master degree Legado em substituição da legítima (1996). Colaborated in the revision and update od the second volume of Direito da Família e das Sucessões, by Pamplona Corte-Real, published in 1993 and in the elaboration of the volumes II, III, IV, V, VI, VII of the coletion Pareceres da Procuradoria-Geral da Rwpública, published throught 1997 and 1998. Now-a-days he findshimself preparing the doctorate degree in the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade (Classica) de Lisboa of Matrimonial Law. 

José Matias Alves

Professor and Researcher

José Matias Alves

Professor and Researcher

Professor, Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia, Universidade Católica do Porto

Researcher - Centro de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento Humano (CEDH)

Katerina Nanou

Senior Advocacy Advisor at Save the Children Europe

Katerina Nanou

Senior Advocacy Advisor at Save the Children Europe

Katerina Nanou is Senior Advocacy Advisor at Save the Children Europe. She is leading the organisation’s advocacy on EU policies and funding that affect children in poverty and children in alternative care in EU Member States and EU’s pre-accession countries. She is following closely the developments around the upcoming Child Guarantee and the Child Rights Strategy and she is leading the work of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children.  

Madalena Sofia Oliveira

University Teacher

Madalena Sofia Oliveira

University Teacher

Madalena Sofia Oliveira has a PhD in psychology. Member of SPECAN. Assistant Professor at ISSSP and guest lecturer at IUCS-CESPU and UMaia. Director of the Master's Degree in Childhood and Youth at Risk of Social Exclusion (ISSSP). Integrated researcher at the Justice and Governance Research Center - JusGov-UMinho, where she is dedicated to the study of victimology, with an emphasis on violence in intimate relationships, intergenerational transmission of violence, and child abuse and neglect. She is co-coordinator of the areas of forensic psychology and social sciences at the Portuguese Association of Forensic Sciences, of which she is a member.

Manuel Sarmento

Professor and Researcher

Manuel Sarmento

Professor and Researcher


Maria Barbosa Ducharne


Maria Barbosa Ducharne


Professor of Developmental Psychology and Adoption and Out-of-home Care at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto

Head of Group for Research and Intervention in Out-of-Home Care and Adoption (GIIAA),

Department of Development and Education Psychology, Centre for Psychology at the University of Porto, whose main goal is the development of research projects to provide evidence for policy and practice in child welfare. Currently, she is the principal investigator of the AdoPT project: Adoptive families’ strengths, difficulties and service needs: a Portuguese follow-up, which is funded by FCT.


Maria Barbosa Ducharne’ s research and teaching interests are focused on child protection, particularly on adoption, foster and residential care of children and youth. Her research focuses mainly on the developmental pathways of children who underwent early adversity and were later adopted, reintegrated into their birth families, or stayed in alternative care. Concerning residential care, she directed the EQAR project – the Portuguese study on quality assessment, which allowed for recommendations for national policies.

As a researcher, she belongs to important groups such as the International Network on Infants and Toddlers and Child Protection and the International Research Network on Foster Care. She is also a member of the steering committee board of EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential Care for Children and Adolescents).

Marlene Sousa

ProChild CoLAB

Marlene Sousa

ProChild CoLAB


Ricardo Mexia

Public Health Doctor and Epidemiologist

Ricardo Mexia

Public Health Doctor and Epidemiologist

Public Health Doctor and Epidemiologist, doing research in Epidemiological Surveillance and Sentinel Systems at the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge of Epidemiology. President of ANMSP - Associação Nacional dos Médicos de Saúde Pública, January 2016 – Present   Teaching and lectures on Preventive Medicine and Public Health in the Integrated Master Degree in Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon Teaching and lectures in the Department of Epidemiology in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine in the Universidade de Lisboa since 2015.  Epidemiology Assistant in the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Egas Moniz, since 2015. General coordination of the Health section of the Rock in Rio Festival since 2008.  President of General Assembly Board of ALIMENT - Associação Portuguesa de Alergias e Intolerâncias Alimentares.   

Ricardo Santos

Terapeuta da Fala

Ricardo Santos

Terapeuta da Fala

Speech Therapist. Master in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Specialist in Therapy and Rehabilitation. Phd in Health Sciences and Technologies.  

Rui Ferreira Carvalho

Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência

Rui Ferreira Carvalho

Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência

Membro da Direção da Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica (SPSC)

Médico de Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência

Terapeuta Sexual e Sexólogo Clínico pela SPSC

Rute Neves

Pediatrics MD

Rute Neves

Pediatrics MD

Pediatrics MD - Centro Hospitalar Universuitário do Algarve

Sara Vaz Rodrigues

Pediatric Surgeon

Sara Vaz Rodrigues

Pediatric Surgeon

Sara Vaz Rodrigues, OM 52890

Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine by the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa - 2011

Specialist in Pediatric Surgery since 2020, Complementary Internship in the Hospital Dona Estefânia between 2013 and 2020. 

Now-a-days she is Hospital Assistant in Pediatric Surgery in Hospital Dona Estefãnia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central. 

Insterested in Adolescent Obesity Surgery. 

Teresa Rebelo Pinto

Psychologist, Somnologist

Teresa Rebelo Pinto

Psychologist, Somnologist

Teresa Rebelo Pinto has a bachelor degree in Psychology by the Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada with integrated master degree in Educational Psychology(2010) and Post-graduated in Sleep Sciences by the Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (2011). Since 2016 she has the European title of Somnologista. She gives Sleep and Psychology appointments in Lisbon. In the Sleep area she coordinated the Projeto Sono Escolas, develops activities of training for children and adolescents, families, teachers and institutions of different teaching levels, as well as companies, autarchic institutions, health, cultural and social action. She is author of several articles and book chapters of international scope. She is a regular participant in scientific international reunions with focus in Educational and Sleep Psychology questions. She is volunteer and consultant in the Associação Nuvem Vitória.

Zuzana Konradova

Eurochild Thematic Coordinator

Zuzana Konradova

Eurochild Thematic Coordinator

I work for Eurochild as a Thematic Coordinator in the field of Children in Alternative Care. I coordinated the Opening Doors for Europe’s Children Campaign (2013-2019) in its final phase. My expertise includes European politics and funding, deinstitutionalisation processes and child protection reforms, and civil society participation. I will co-chair the European Expert Group on Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care in 2021.    

From 2015  to 2017, I held the position of Secretary General of the Coalition for Children Slovakia. I was also an editor of the Supplementary Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Slovakia from 2007 to 2015. I worked for the Open Society Foundation Slovakia (1996 – 2010) as a Deputy Director for Civil Society Development. 

Rute Agulhas

Forensic Psychologist | ISCTE-IUL

Rute Agulhas

Forensic Psychologist | ISCTE-IUL


Clinic and forensic psychologist. Family therapist. Invited professor at ISCTE-IUL. Researcher at CIS/IUL. Member of the ‘Board on Human Rights’ of the ‘EFPA – European Federation of Psychologists Associations’. Has experience in the fields of abuse, child and adolescence negligence and abuse, family support and forensic psychology evaluation. 

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