Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Alex Beard

Author "Natural Born Learners", Senior Director Teach for All


Alex Beard

Author "Natural Born Learners", Senior Director Teach for All

Alex started out as a teacher in London, before joining Teach For All, a growing network of organizations working in sixty countries worldwide to ensure all children fulfil their potential, where he now heads the Global Learning Lab. He's fortunate to spend his time travelling the world in search of the future of learning, and has written about his experiences for the GuardianFinancial Times, and Wired. He presented The Learning Revolution, a three part series on the future of education for BBC Radio 4, and is the author of Natural Born Learners, a guide to transforming learning in the twenty-first century

Richard Louv

Author of the International Bestseller “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder”.


Richard Louv

Author of the International Bestseller “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder”.

Richard Louv is a journalist and author of ten books, including Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder; The Nature Principle; and Vitamin N.    His newest book is Our Wild Calling: How Connecting with Animals Can Transform Our Lives — and Save Theirs. Translated into 22 languages, his books have helped launch an international movement to connect children, their families and communities to nature.

He is co-founder and Chair Emeritus of the nonprofit Children & Nature Network, which supports a new nature movement.

In 2008, he was awarded the Audubon Medal, presented by the National Audubon Society. Prior recipients have included Rachel Carson, E. O. Wilson, Sir David Attenborough and President Jimmy Carter. Among other awards, Louv is also the recipient of the Cox Award for 2007, Clemson University’s highest honor for “sustained achievement in public service” and Garden Club of America’s 2020 Margaret Douglas Medal for “notable service to the cause of conservation education.” 

He speaks frequently around the world, including American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, first White House Summit on Environmental Education, the Congress of the New Urbanism, International Healthy Parks Conference in Melbourne, Australia, and the national Friends of Nature Conference in Beijing, China.  

Louv has written for the New York Times, the Times of London, Parents Magazine and many other publications. He has appeared on CBS This Morning, NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s Good Morning America, NPR's Talk of the Nation. Married to Kathy Frederick Louv, he is the father of two young men, Jason and Matthew. He would rather hike than write.

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Invited Speakers

Alexandra Luz


Alexandra Luz


Alexandra Luz, graduated in medicine from Faculdade de Medicina of Universidade de Coimbra in 2004, she did her residency in Paediatrics in Centro Hospitalar de Leiria, where she worked as an Paediatrics assistant from 2011 until 2019.

Post-graduation in “Ginecologia Infanto-Juvenil”, by Sociedade Argentina de Ginecologia Infanto Juvenil in collaboration with Universidade de La Plata.

 She is part of the Unidade de Saúde e Medicina do Adolescente since  2011 and also part of the management of Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Adolescente since 2015. The focus of her work has been the Consulta de Medicina do Adolescente, with the public presentation of multiple works, as well as the publication of more than a dozen of articles in this field, and the participation in research projects with the aim to promote health in this age range. Coordinator of the award-winning project  “Adolescer Saudável”, an initiative which seeks to carry out consultations on adolescent medicine in a school environment.

Professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria from 2007 until 2009. Responsible for training activities in the field of Medicina do Adolescente. 

Participation in scientific meetings as a reviewer, moderator, speaker and organiser. 

Scientific reviewer at Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa.

Alice Frade


Alice Frade


Anthropologist and executive director of P&D - Associação para a Cooperação sobre População e Desenvolvimento, Alice Frade has been working on Advocacy and Cooperation for Development for 14 years. She's author and co-author of several works in this area, specially on Education, Sexual end Reprodutive Health, Population and Developments and Human Rights. Alice Frade is also consultant on the program "Príncipes do Nada".

Ana Catarina Gaspar

Private Practice | Psikontacto – Training and Intervention Center, Clitrofa, clinical, home and school contexts

Ana Catarina Gaspar

Private Practice | Psikontacto – Training and Intervention Center, Clitrofa, clinical, home and school contexts

Doctoral Student in Child Studies – Special Education at UMinho.

Master in Special Education – Early Educational Intervention Branch at UMinho.

Graduated in Speech Therapy by ESTSPorto, works in private practice, Psikontacto – Training and Intervention Center, Clitrofa, clinical, home and school contexts.

Trainer in the areas of Communication, Language and Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Floortime technique, certified by ICDL.

Supervisor for professional and curricular internships.

Professional Training in the scope of Assessment and Intervention Methodologies and Instruments in Autism Spectrum Disorders (SCERTS Model, DIR – Floortime, ABLC, Intensive Interaction, ADOS, ADI-R, Project ImPACT)

Author of articles published in books and magazines, in the field of communication and language and autism spectrum disorders.

Ana Maria de Sousa Neves Vieira

Professor and Researcher at ESECS-IPLeiria/CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria

Ana Maria de Sousa Neves Vieira

Professor and Researcher at ESECS-IPLeiria/CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria

Doutora em Ciências da Educação, na área da Educação Social e Mediação Sociopedagógica e Mestre em Ciências da Educação – História e Problemas Atuais da Educação. É, atualmente, professora adjunta na Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais (ESECS) do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPLeiria) e Investigadora Integrada e Coordenadora do CICS. NOVA.IPLeiria. A sua investigação incide sobre Educação Social, Pedagogia Social, Mediação intercultural, Mediação Sociopedagógica, Mediação Sociocultural, Trabalho Social e Indisciplina, áreas onde tem publicado em livros, revistas nacionais e estrangeiras, e onde tem desenvolvido comunicações que tem apresentado em congressos nacionais e internacionais. Trabalhou em Portugal com Américo Peres, professor agregado da UTAD, e em Espanha com José António Caride, professor catedrático da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

Anja Teltschik

Child Protection, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO)

Anja Teltschik

Child Protection, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO)

Anja Teltschik, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist - Child Protection, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO). Anja is providing technical leadership, guidance and quality assurance in the area of monitoring, evaluation and data analytics in support of UNICEF’s engagement on child poverty, social exclusion and protection in the region. She has provided technical guidance and support to the UNICEF/Eurochild’s DataCare project. She is also supporting the implementation of the Phase III of the Preparatory Action of the European Child Guarantee and the work of the Task Force on Statistics on Children, Adolescents and Youth of the Conference of European Statisticians, as well as related efforts to strengthen data and data systems in Europe and other parts of the region.  

Beata Kulig

Advocacy advisor at SOS Children’s Village Poland | Eurochild

Beata Kulig

Advocacy advisor at SOS Children’s Village Poland | Eurochild

Beata Kulig has been working in foster care since 2008 as an advocacy advisor at SOS Children’s Village Poland (hereinafter: SOS CV Poland), additionally in charge of Child Protection Policy. She is also SOS CV Poland’s representative in Polish Foster Care Coalition (hereinafter: PFCC) and cooperates with Eurochild.

Beata Kulig has collaborated in numerous foster care-aimed projects in Poland, such as “Creation and implementation of research tool to verify deinstitutionalisation of foster care in districts of Poland”. She was a member of working group established by Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy whose aim was to write “Project of national strategy of development and deinstitutionalisation of social services in Poland till 2040”, in which she was co-writing its chapter dedicated to children, youth and family. Beata Kulig is a an author of many analyses and reports on foster care and its deinstitutionalisation in Poland.

As trainer Beata Kulig coaches parents and foster parents, teachers, staff of social care system and Polish state court probation officers on trauma and support to trauma-affected people. She practises the method of TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention).

Carla Rebelo


Carla Rebelo


Psychotherapist and associated member of Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (AP) and of Portuguese Society of Psychosomatics (SPPS).

My dream and mission to every patient that seeks my services are to help them visualize the future reconciled with the past and abandoning it and to leave undesirable places from within grounded in an authentic and trustful therapeutic relationship.
Travel, music, theater and literature enthusiastic, I am also a “Run4Living” thus running and marathon is not only a physical exercise but it’s also a metaphor for life.

Carlos Gil Escobar

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP | NHACJR, HFF

Carlos Gil Escobar

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP | NHACJR, HFF

Pediatrician. Member of NHACJR at Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca. Member of Social Pediatrics Section of the Portuguese Pediatrics Society.;

Graduated by Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Barcelona  With a maste degree in Tropical Medicine by Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/ Universidade de Lisboa Hospital Assistant at the Paediatric Intensive and special care unit of the Paediatric department of Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE (Amadora-Sintra) Board member of the Secção de Pediatria Social da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria Professor of the integrated Master of medicine at Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Carmen Sánchez Hernández

Professor and Researcher - Universidade de Málaga

Carmen Sánchez Hernández

Professor and Researcher - Universidade de Málaga

Carmen Sánchez Hernández has a bachelor degree in law by the Universidad de Málaga (1990) and has the Premio Extraordinary de Licenciatura. She is doctorate in Law by the Universidad de Málaga (1995) and Full Professor of Civil Law (2000). She was coordinator of the masters degree of Mediation since the Academic Degree 2010/11 of the Faculdad de Derecho de la Universaidad de Málaga until 2015/2’16. Before she was the Academic Director of the degree of Mediation and Extrajudicial of conflicts in the Faculdad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga (Academic degree 2003/2004), Expert Title in Mediation (Academic degree 2004/2004); Master in Mediation (Academic degrees 2005/06; 2006/07; 2007/08; 2008/09). Research sections: 3 six-year periods. Faculty sections: 5 five-year periods. Stays in foreigns Investigations centres: Law School of Regensburg University (Germany); Law School of Colonia University (Germany); Law School of Phanteón-Assas University. Paris II (France) and Law school of Lisbon University (Portugal.

Ciaran O'Donnell

Policy and Project Officer at Eurochild

Ciaran O'Donnell

Policy and Project Officer at Eurochild


Ciaran is working with Eurochild to bridge the gap between evidence and policy to improve the lives of children in Europe. As part of his role, Ciaran is coordinating Eurochild’s DataCare project with UNICEF ECARO. Together, we are building a convincing evidence base for a more transparent, common approach to data collection and reporting for children in alternative care across Europe.

David Lubans

NHMRC Senior Research Fellow DPhil, MSc, BEd (Human Movement and Health)

David Lubans

NHMRC Senior Research Fellow DPhil, MSc, BEd (Human Movement and Health)

An early career in Physical Education teaching sparked David’s commitment to his research passion - the design, evaluation and dissemination of successful school-based physical activity interventions.

His work is an antidote to the global pandemic of physical inactivity, the importance of which is reflected by his involvement in almost $30 million worth of research projects.

An NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, David has been a chief investigator on more than 40 school-based physical activity interventions that have benefited large numbers of children and adolescents in Australia and abroad.

Interventions are based on behavioural science theories and socio-ecological models to support behaviour change, and chances of success increased by close inter-sectoral partnerships with government and non-government organisations.

One of these interventions, the current iPLAY study, is being delivered in 135 primary schools in NSW. At a conservative estimate, this program will be delivered to more than 20,000 children.

“Ultimately, my high level goal is for all Australian schools to implement comprehensive school physical activity programs that provide opportunities for all children and adolescents to be physically active within and beyond the school day,” David explains.

Diana Moreira

Pediatrician | Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho

Diana Moreira

Pediatrician | Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho

Bachelor degree in Medicine by the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto (1999 | 2005) 

Internship in the Pediatrics Immunology and Infectology Services in the Great North Chilren's Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyn, England (april | july 2011) 

Hospital Assistant in Medical Pediatrics, funcioning in the appointments of Pediatrics Immunology and Infectology in Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho (CHVNG/E) since march 2012. 

Connecting link and enabling factor of the Local Coordinator Group of the Prevention and Infection Control and Resistence to antimicrobial Program (CGL-PPCIRA) in the Pediatrics Service in CHVNG/E. Member of  Direct Support of the Assistence of Prescription of antibiotics Program (PAPA) of the GCL-PPCIRA of the CHVNG/E. Member of the work group of Antimicrobial of support to the commission of Terapeutics and pharmacy of CHVNG/E. 

Voluntary professor in the curricular course of Pediatrics, 6th year of Integrated Master Degree of Medicine in the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. 

Member of the board of the Sociedade de Infeciologia Pediatrica since 2013. 

Member of the commission of vaccination of SIP and SPP in the biennium 2013-2015 and 2015-2017. 

Presentation of scientific work in national and international congresses. Publication of scientific articles. Member of scientific societies. 


Eduardo Castela

President of the Portuguese Telemedicine Association

Eduardo Castela

President of the Portuguese Telemedicine Association

Cardiologist and President of the Portuguese Telemedicine Association

Filipa Sommerfeldt Fernandes

Sleep therapist

Filipa Sommerfeldt Fernandes

Sleep therapist

Terapeuta de sono infantil no Centro de Desenvolvimento Passo a Passo, Lisboa. Autora dos livros "10 Dias para Ensinar o seu Filho a Dormir", "10 Histórias para Adormecer sem Medos nem Birras", "Comer sem Birras" e "10 Histórias para Comer sem Birras", sendo que o último integra a lista do Plano Nacional de Leitura. Pós-graduanda em Neurodesenvolvimento em Pediatria pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Filipe Glória Silva


Filipe Glória Silva


Coordinator Neurodevelopment Unit CUF Sintra

Phd in Medicine - pediatrics -"Children´s Sleep Habits"

Member of the board - Sociedade de Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria

Francisca Magano

Director of Advocacy, UNICEF

Francisca Magano

Director of Advocacy, UNICEF

Francisca Magano é Mestre em Psicologia da Justiça e do Comportamento Desviante pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa e pós-graduada em Estudos Urbanos pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Tem colaborado com várias organizações nas áreas dos direitos humanos, da educação e da cooperação internacional em Itália, Inglaterra e vários outros países da região da África subsariana. Atualmente, é Diretora de Políticas de Infância e Juventude na UNICEF Portugal, dedicando-se à defesa e promoção dos direitos das crianças.

Geert Jørgensen

Independent consultant and Professional Board Member - Development of social services

Geert Jørgensen

Independent consultant and Professional Board Member - Development of social services


Graça Cardoso

Physician - ACES Maia

Graça Cardoso

Physician - ACES Maia

Médica Especialista de Medicina Geral e Familiar no ACES Maia

Inês Afonso Marques

Psychologist and Psychotherapist

Inês Afonso Marques

Psychologist and Psychotherapist

I like reading and writing. I like laughing and playing. I like the simplicity and authenticity of children. I like the crossroads of adolescents. I like the fascinating  way of the themes of parenthood.

It was early that I decided that it was with children and adolescents that I wanted to grow as a professional. I believe that each child and adolescent has within you a huge potencial and I believe that I have a lot to learn with them.

All future flowers are today’s seeds.

I believe (and experience daily) that each child has within them a set of valuable seeds that watered with attention, love and affection  give the most beautiful flowers. As a psychotherapist I feel an immense satisfaction to, everytime each flower in development need help, contribute, based on strict science for their well-balanced growth.

I face each flower with their own self characteristics as a special and unique challenge in therapy. I seek to translate what so many times it hard for them to put into words. I seek that parents and children feel connected emotionally and full-filled, reducing the impact of  growth “little pains” or “pranks” that the mind and body decide to do to the little ones. One day the garden will be filled with more confident, resilient and happy flowers.

Inês Simões


Inês Simões


Licenciada em Psicologia pela Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Lisboa em 1998, concluiu o Mestrado em Reabilitação e Inserção Social da Pessoa com Perturbação Mental Grave pela Universidade de Valência em 2007.

Trabalha desde 1999 na ARIA – Associação de Reabilitação e Integração Ajuda tendo assumido ao longo do seu percurso na associação, a Direção Técnica de uma estrutura destinada à reabilitação psicossocial de adultos com perturbação psiquiátrica, bem como projetos de qualificação profissional dos seus beneficiários e de capacitação dos familiares no apoio à recuperação do adulto com problemas de saúde mental.

A partir de 2014 assumiu a coordenação de projeto piloto com vista à criação de equipa móvel de apoio psicossocial destinada a crianças e jovens com problemas de saúde mental e respetiva rede social de suporte.

Atualmente coordena a Equipa de Apoio Domiciliário para a Infância e Adolescência, criada ao abrigo da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados em Saúde Mental.

Inês Varela-Silva

Senior Lecturer in Human Biology

Inês Varela-Silva

Senior Lecturer in Human Biology

I am a Human Biologist who uses a biocultural approach to study health and nutrition outcomes among minority groups and indigenous communities. The main purpose of my research is to promote sustained health and wellbeing for all, at all ages. My ultimate goal is to ensure that the outcomes of my research revert back to the communities I am working with. My mission, as a scholar, is to create and sustain supportive and inclusive research and learning environments, where everyone thrives.

Ivone Patrão

Professor and Researcher at ISPA

Ivone Patrão

Professor and Researcher at ISPA

PhD in Applyed Psychology, specialization in Oncological Psychology. Professor and researcher in ISPA-IU and on the Psychology and Health Investigation Unit. Besides her work in the area of psychology, Ivone Patrão is also a family therapist, and she's being focus on the research area of online world and the relationship between Childreen, Adolescents and Technology. 

She's the author of the book "String Generation, the Generation that don't turn off". 

João Barreiros

Professor and Researcher - FMH-UL

João Barreiros

Professor and Researcher - FMH-UL

João Barreiros is a full professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics.

He is a motor development and learning researcher and his research interests include:

Environmental effects on motor development;

Variability of practice and learning effects; Affordances; Development of manipulative skills;

Motor adaptations in motor and sensory deprived populations; Time perception.

He is one of the the vice-presidents of the FMH since 2010.

João Rodrigues

Nutritionist and Researcher

João Rodrigues

Nutritionist and Researcher

João Rodrigues holds a degree in Nutrition Sciences, a degree in Biochemistry, a PhD in Biomedical Sciences and habilitation in Dental Medicine. He is a professor of higher education at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and Polytechnic Institute of Porto.

In addition to teaching, he develops clinical practice as a nutritionist in Viana do Castelo, Caminha and Ponte de Lima. He Isa lso thea uthor of the book “Duelos de Alimentos” and the blog “Mundo da Nutrição” ( He collaborates regularly with various media (television, radio and press).

His main areas of interest include the impact that different foods and different feeding patterns can have on health promotion and disease prevention.

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Professor and Researcher (FDUL)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Professor and Researcher (FDUL)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro was born in Lisbon in 1966. He has a bachelor degree (1989) and a masters degree (1995) in Law by the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade (Classica) de Lisboa where he is assistant. He dedicates himself to teaching since 1989. He taught Civil Procedural Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Law of obligations, Family Law and Succetions, Enterprise Law, Economy and Fiscal Law. He published Fase introdutória dos embargos de terceiro (1992), Garantia bancária (1992) and final dissertation os his master degree Legado em substituição da legítima (1996). Colaborated in the revision and update od the second volume of Direito da Família e das Sucessões, by Pamplona Corte-Real, published in 1993 and in the elaboration of the volumes II, III, IV, V, VI, VII of the coletion Pareceres da Procuradoria-Geral da Rwpública, published throught 1997 and 1998. Now-a-days he findshimself preparing the doctorate degree in the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade (Classica) de Lisboa of Matrimonial Law. 

José Boavida Fernandes

Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician

José Boavida Fernandes

Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician

Dr. José Boavida is a Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician who graduated as an MD from the University of Coimbra, School of Medicine. He specialized in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and became one of the best well-known pediatricians in the area, in Portugal. His 2 major areas of interest are ADHD and Early Childhood Intervention (ECI).

He started in 1989 a community based, intersectoral ECI project in the Coimbra Region that led to the Portuguese legislation on ECI and became the precursor of the National System of Early Childhood Intervention (SNIPI). He is the Health Commissioner in the Coordinating Committee of SNIPI. He was the founder the National Association of Early Intervention (ANIP), the only Portuguese association specialized in the field of ECI as well as one of the founders of the European Association of ECI (Eurlyaid - EAECI). As a consultant of the Board of Eurlyaid, Dr. Boavida collaborates internationally in multiple projects of ECI (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Belarus, Moldova, Spain, Brazil, Paraguay and others).

He is the founder and the head of the ADHD Clinic at Coimbra Children’s Hospital, Child Development Center, the major organizer of the National’s Portuguese biggest conferences about ADHD and he’s the founder and President of the Portuguese Society of Attention Deficit.

In response to various invitations, Dr. Boavida has been given hundreds of lectures, workshops, and training in Portugal and abroad, most of them in topics related to ADHD and Early Childhood intervention as well as contributions to research and professional education about ADHD and ECI.

José Carlos Carvalho

PhD - Coordinating Professor - Escola Superior Enfermagem do Porto

José Carlos Carvalho

PhD - Coordinating Professor - Escola Superior Enfermagem do Porto

Coordinator Professor in Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP)

Presidente of the Pedagogic Council

Researcher in the Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde (CINTESIS) Universidade do Porto - Center for Health Technology and Services Research.

Specialist Nurse in mental health and psychiatry nursing.




Post-doctorate in Universidade Federal Fluminense – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil (out. 2015/out.2016);

Doctor in Ciências de Enfermagem pelo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar - UP (2012);

Master in Psychiatry and Mental health by Faculdade de Medicina - UP (2002);

Course in specialised Studies in Nursing the mental health and psychiatry by Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João – Port0 (1998);

Bachelor in Nursing by Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João – Port0 (1991);

Professional Activity:

Coordinator Professor since July 2020.

Assistant professor in Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto and Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João, de 2004 a 2020.

Assistant 1st triennium from 1999 to 2004

Clinical practice from January 1992 to September 1999 in Hospital de S. João, in Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia and in Instituto Português de Oncologia.

As professor he teaches in the nursing bachelor and mental health nursing master degree.

Member of different research groups: Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde - CINTESIS: NursID; Unidade de Investigação da Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (UNIESEP); Grupo Internacional de Investigacão de enfermagem de Saude Mental – GIRISAME; Núcleo de investigação em enfermagem de família (ESEP); Núcleo de pesquisa: “Ensino, Criatividade e Cuidado em Saúde e Enfermagem, da UFF RJ – Brasil.

Found member and partner of the ociedade Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental (ASPESM).

Proof reader in several nursing and mental health magazines.

Author and co-autor of several published scientific articles in specialised magazines.

Curriculum Vitae (A819-A87C-A7EF) -
Scopus: Author ID 561219325000
Academic works:
https://repositorio- _lang=pt_PT
ResearchGate -

Laura Misiukoniené

Social entrepreneur

Laura Misiukoniené

Social entrepreneur

Co - owner of „Auto moto group“. Non - governmental and non – profit company, working with various social groups of youth including those who have various dissabilities, fighting against social exclusion to allow all the children to enjoy equal access to available opportunities and resources.

The main purpose is to strengthen social relationships among different social groups of youth in order to contribute to the reduction of crime and other violations of law, bullying, suicide prevention.

„Auto moto group“  - Lithuanian company. One part of the company's activities - a variety of social projects, non-formal education, youth activity. Other activities of the company - auto moto, aviation related projects, the creation of documentary films. On the basis of this company a karate kyokushin sport club "Kamuido" carries out the project "Healthy lifestyle-the Foundation of a strong State" (providing healthy living, active lifestyle lectures, organizing children's and youth camps). 

More than six years the club is organizing children and youth camp "Let's get to know each other!“ Camp involves around 50 children and youth from 7 up to 18 years from various regions of Lithuania.

The camp's main idea: strengthen social relationships among different social groups of youth in order to contribute to the reduction of crime and other violations of law, bullying, suicide prevention. Building social skills that will resist against a variety of alcohol and tobacco consumption, reducing the prevalence of harmful habits. The camp's goal - to create a feeling of community and strengthen social relationships among different social groups, encouraging youth with impaired vision integration into society. Camp wrap-up event during the coexistence of different social groups of children and youth activities and workshops. Provide youth with knowledge of the police and other military, aviation and security structures, their responsibilities and rules. Using educational programmes for youth to develop citizenship, and tolerance. In 2018 the camp received award for a safe society of Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.

Another activities that we offer children at schools and centres – there are physical activities and theorethical lessons about active lifestyle and impact on human well – being, physical exercises under adopted karate methodology.    

In 2019 „Auto moto group“ became a member of „EuroChild“ and participates in it`s activities. In 2021 the company became a member of inclusive karate federation „I-Karate-Global“. By means of the principles of karate inclusive karate promotes the integration of chidren, youngsters and adults, all with special needs, not only in this unique martial arts, but mainly in daily life. This is done by helping them to build their self-confidence and self-respect, and by offering them an opportunity to amaze the world around them with their abilities and strenghts.

Lídia Marôpo

Professor and Researcher - IPS e CICS.NOVA

Lídia Marôpo

Professor and Researcher - IPS e CICS.NOVA

Lidia Marôpo is an assistant professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA). She has a master degree and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and she is also a member of the portuguese team of the project H2020 Yskills (2020-2024). She coordinated the project Competências de Informação para Jovens da Era Digital (CIJED) financed by IPS (2020-2021). She has published extensively on different aspects of the relationship between children, youth and media and has worked in international trainee programs on children’s rights in journalism. Her areas of interest also include journalism studies, cyberactivism and media and identity.

Maria Filomena Gaspar

Professor and Researcher - University of Coimbra

Maria Filomena Gaspar

Professor and Researcher - University of Coimbra

Maria Filomena Ribeiro da Fonseca Gaspar, PhD

Professora Associada da FPCE Universidade de Coimbra (Associate Professor)

Investigadora do Centro de Estudos Sociais (Researcher at CES)

Maria João Fernandes

Vice-President CNPDPCJ

Maria João Fernandes

Vice-President CNPDPCJ

Academic qualifications

Doctorate in Development, Society and Territories - UTAD.
Master's degree in Public management and Bachelor in Law by Faculdade de Direito from Universidade de Coimbra.
Post-grad in Minors Protection Higher dregree in forensic medicine. 
She also concluded the Training programme in Public management - CAGEP, the Training programme in Public management - FORGEP, the seminar of Senior Management - SAD and the Programme of Quality Auditors ISO 9001:2008. 

Professional experience

From August 1st 2019 to this day she is vice-President of Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Direitos e Proteção de Crianças e Jovens. 
From March 1st 2016 to July 31st 2019 she was chiefe of division of Social action and Health in Câmara Municipal de Vila Real. 
From Dezember 9th 2016 to 31st of July 2019 she was also president of Comissão de Proteção deCrianças e Jovens de Vila Real.
Coordinator of the Implementation process Section of Vila Real from April 2002 to February 2016.
Superior Technician in the instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Socia from july 9th 2001 to April 2002.

Mary Theodoropoulou

Director | Activist | Eurochild

Mary Theodoropoulou

Director | Activist | Eurochild

Mary Theodoropoulou, being an adoptee herself, started as an activist for the Rights of adult adoptees to search for their biological family in the beginning of 1995. In 1999, she founded the Non Governmental Organization Roots Research Center. Her goal is to advocate and promote the rights of adult adoptees and the rights of children in alternative care. Mary, through the NGO, played an important role in the promotion and support of alternative care in Greece with the goal of deinstitutionalization. In addition, she has contributed in the biological family search by hundreds of adult adoptees which provided her with a deep knowledge of the adoption systems in Greece over the last 100 years. Her book, “Maria 43668′′ is a historical research of institutionalization, roots research and adoption in Greece.

During 2003-2006 she was trained by John Triseliotis, Emeritus Professor of Social Work at the University of Strathclyde, on adoption family search and reunion of biological families, foster care systems, support and counseling practices for careleavers and prospective adoption and foster parents. During her career she has received ongoing training by international organizations on deinstitutionalization and on roots research (Eurochild, Fairstart, IFCO, Hope and Homes). She is a member of International Organizations of adopted people who advocate for their right to their identity.

Representing Roots Research Center, she is a member of the European Network “EUROCHILD” for the “children without parental care” section, for many years. She has collaborated with European organizations and programs (in 2011 the Speak UP European program, in 2015-2017 national coordinator of the “opening doors for Europe’s children” European campaign and more). She has presented several speeches and proposals at international conferences such as Eurochild conferences in Brussels and other EU capitals and conferences by the European Expert Group (EEG) on the transition from institutional to community-based care. She has also contributed to the organization of national and international conferences in Greece.

Today she counsels adult adoptees, prospective adoption and foster parents. She continues to actively pursue activism in defense of the rights of the Child, with the ultimate goal being the deinstitutionalization of children and young people living in care.

Nuno Guerreiro

Professor and Cordinator of the Technology Department at Priors Court School

Nuno Guerreiro

Professor and Cordinator of the Technology Department at Priors Court School

Professor and Cordinator of the Technology Department at Priors Court School (Link)

With a bachelor degree In Informatics by Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve in 2006, Nuno Guerreiro has also a post-graduation in Informatics Education by Universidade Aberta in 2013.

He worked as a professor in an Informatics group since 2006 to 2014 in different school in the South of Portugal and Azores. We tough in the primary school, secondary school and specialised teaching.

We works since 2015 in England at the foundation: Priors Court School. An independent school for children and young people with complex autism from 5 to 25 years old.

During is journey at the foundation he incorporated the role of professor and coordinator of the depart of technology leading innovative projects with he aim to promote the independence of his students and prepare them to the world of work.

The projects results have been recognised, standing out his work with Robots and Virtual Reality. With this project, in 2021, Priors Court School was a finalist in the BETT Awards in the category - Innovator of the year.

Nuria Madureira


Nuria Madureira


Nuria Madeureira is a Pediatrics Hospital Assistant and works in the Medical pediatric service in the area of Pneumology and Pediatric Sleep. 

Responsible of the Sleep and Ventilation Laboratory. Pediatrics Hospital, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. 

She has competences in Sleep Medicine by the Portuguese Medical Association. The areas that interest her the most are pediatrics patology of sleep, respiratory repercussion of cronical diceases just like neuromuscular and sindromatic diceases (among others) and non-invasive ventilation.

Paula Ravasco

Professor of Medicine, Nutrition and Scientific Research

Paula Ravasco

Professor of Medicine, Nutrition and Scientific Research

Paula Ravasco, MD, RD, MSc, PhD


Medical Doctor, Specialist in Immuno-Hemotherapy OM55311

Nutritionist, Expert Clinical Nutrition ON0047N PhD

PhD Oncology and Metabolism

Competence in Clinical Nutrition certified by ESPEN (Soc Eur Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism)

Competence in Clinical Research by the FMUL

Develops clinical activity in the field of clinical nutrition, metabolism, oncology, immunohemotherapy, clinical medicine

Associate Professor of Medicine, Nutrition, Scientific Research and Physiological Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and Egas Moniz University

Institute Member of the Scientific Council of the UCP Faculty of Medicine Scientific Council | FM-WEBSITE (

Director of the International Postgraduate Program “Nutrition and Metabolism in Oncology” Postgraduate Studies in Nutrition in Oncology | ICS - Catholic (

Member of the Scientific Council Scientific conferences and congresses and pre- and postgraduate courses in nutrition, oncology and medicine

Team Leader and Main Investigator at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health at UCP & Plataforma CatolicaMed, CAtólicaREsearch - CARE, UCP, Pure 5.20.2 (

Main Investigator at the Egas Moniz Interdisciplinary Research Center (CiiEM), Egas Moniz University Institute (IUEM) Egas Moniz - Cooperative for Higher Education

Member of the ESPEN Faculty and of the ESPEN Guidelines Committee ESPEN Guidelines (2016-) | Associate Editor Clinical Nutrition - Journal - Elsevier (2018-)

Author or co-author of more than 70 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

ORCID: / 0000-0002-6056-8269

Pedro Brás da Silva

Speech & Language Therapist | Auditory-Verbal Therapist Certificate

Pedro Brás da Silva

Speech & Language Therapist | Auditory-Verbal Therapist Certificate

Pedro Brás da Silva is a Speech & Language Therapist (Licensed by the School of Health Technology of IPPorto) and Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS) Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist (AGBell Academy-USA). He is the first professional certified in LSLS AVT in Portugal, since 2018 and the 2nd speaker of Portuguese in the World. He has been working in the area of ​​Hearing, Language and Speech for over 23 years, having worked with children and young people with hearing loss, users of hearing technology, in Support Units for Students with Deafness in regular schools of the Ministry of Education, until 2019. Was part of the 1st group of Portuguese professionals with initial training in Auditory-Verbal Therapy, between 2011-12, with Prof. Warren Estabrooks (Canada). He was a lecturer in the Speech Therapy and Audiology courses at the Health School of Oporto (IPP) between 2004 and 2017, having also taught postgraduate courses in the area. He was a founding member of the Hearing Department of the Portuguese Society of Speech Therapy (2015-2017). Currently a member of the Board of GRIS (Screening and Intervention Group in Deafness), member of AGBell Academy Board of Directors and Consultant at OUVIR Association. Since 2012, he has been working specifically with families of babies, children and young people/adults in Hearing Implant Centers (at Hospital CUF Porto until 2016), currently working at the Center for Deafness, Vertigo and Tinnitus at Hospital Lusiadas Porto, with face-to-face and online support - teletherapy. He is the author and co-author of presentations at numerous national and international conferences, as well as articles in scientific books in the area of ​​hearing. He is also a mentor for professionals in the Portuguese language hearing field, who wish to obtain the LSLS Cert AVT credentials.

Raquel Soares

Pediatrician | CHUC

Raquel Soares

Pediatrician | CHUC


Ricardo Encarnação

Child Psychiatrist, Roche Country Medical Director

Ricardo Encarnação

Child Psychiatrist, Roche Country Medical Director


Rosalina Barroso


Rosalina Barroso



Rosalina Barroso


Rosalina Barroso


Rosalina Barroso, MD is Head of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca Hospital in Portugal. With over 20 years of clinical experience in neonatology, she was President of  the Neonatal Portuguese Society from 2013 until 2016. Her areas of research interest include nutrition and infection and the link between these two.

Rosa Vilares

Clinical Nutrition Specialist

Rosa Vilares

Clinical Nutrition Specialist

Rosa Vilares Santos works as a Professor and Coordinator of Clinical Nutrition Courses in General and Family Medicine and Clinical Nutrition for Hospital Doctors at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). Degree in Nutrition Sciences from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP), in 1992, Master's in Quality Control from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP), in 2001. PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP) in 2010. Clinical Nutrition Assistant at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (CHUSJ) and responsible for training interns in General and Family Medicine in the Nutrition-Internal Medicine Consultation. Lecturer at several Higher Education Institutions.

Sérgio Costa Araújo

Professor, ESE-IPP | Researcher, inED

Sérgio Costa Araújo

Professor, ESE-IPP | Researcher, inED


Sérgio Costa Araújo has been, since 2006, higher education teacher in Portugal. He is currently Invited Adjunct Professor at the city of Porto Polytechnic School of Education and a Collaborator Researcher at inED – Center for Research and Innovation in Education. Master in Development Studies in Social and Educational Sciences and recognized specialist in the field of social and behavioral sciences, he works mostly in socio-educational areas in thematic domains that includes fighting poverty and promoting social inclusion, with particular attention in the links between children's rights, poverty and exclusion. Over the past 23 years, in these domains, he has designed, monitored and implemented several action-research projects, particularly in critical urban territories in the Porto metropolitan area, seeing some of these actions recognized as examples of good practices by external entities. He has always developed his path in a European context and, therefore, has accumulated a unique knowledge about the path of social issues within the European Union over the last 23 years. He has participated in high-level meetings, including editions of the European Commission's European Forums on the Rights of the Child; The European Expert group on the transition from Institutional to Community-based Care, formally known as the Ad Hoc Expert Group on the transition from institutional care to community-based care; high-level conferences organized by presidencies of the Council of the European Union... He is a member of Eurochild and since 2009 a member of the European working group “Children in Alternative Care” (CiAC). Deinstitutionalization is one of his favoured subjects. He was also a member of the Expert Advisory Group of the pioneering Eurochild and UNICEF research project “DataCare Project” which comprehensively mapped child protection data systems in the 27 Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom and which in 2023 is in its second phase of development. He is a member of the national Working Group on Child Poverty, promoted by EAPN / European Anti-Poverty Network. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Portuguese AjudAjudar – Associação para a Promoção dos Direitos das Crianças e Jovens (Association for the Promotion of the Rights of Children and Young People). In 2020, he consolidated his status as an expert on the topic “Poverty and Children's Rights in the Social Dimension of the European Union”, in the context of providing formal public evidence. He makes his own the assertion of Kant that he likes to quote from memory: theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is blind. Contact –

Tatiana E. Gorney

Member of the board of European Network Eurochild

Tatiana E. Gorney

Member of the board of European Network Eurochild

Tatiana E. Gorney earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Lancaster University UK. She obtained a Certificate and Diploma in Person Centered Counseling from the Institute of Counseling and Psychological Studies of Greece in collaboration with Strathclyde University of Glasgow. She continued her studies in the education of children and young people on the autism spectrum disorder at Arizona State University USA, where she received her Masters of Education (Med) with honors.

Since 2008 she has collaborated with Roots Research Center NGO, member of the European Network Eurochild and she is currently a member of the board. She has been trained in issues of deinstitutionalization from esteemed colleagues of the Eurochild network and from specialists of international organizations such as IFCO, FICE, Hope and Homes and more. She has specialized in developmental trauma and attachment for children with no parental care. She conducts training seminars for current or prospective foster parents and parents who have or want to adopt children and to professional that work in the field of institutional care with the goal of an effective alternative care in Greece.

She continues her education in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and practice (DDP) which specializes in developmental trauma, family therapy and the therapy of children and young people with a history of abuse or neglect.

Teresa Almeida

Project Cres(SER) Coordinator

Teresa Almeida

Project Cres(SER) Coordinator

  • Psychologist at the Shared Assistance Resources Unit of the Baixo Vouga Group of Health Centers, working at the Águeda Health Center, with a specialty in clinical psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at UPorto (1981);
  • It has always been dedicated to community intervention projects, working in multidisciplinary and multisectoral teams, within the scope of health promotion and prevention;
  • Experience as an associative leader, on a voluntary basis, between 2001 and 2016, where she also develops intervention projects in the community especially dedicated to vulnerable families; Internally boosted the development of the “Fora de Portas” project (outdoor education from the cradle)
  • Currently is part of the Support Center for Children and Youth at Risk, having been part of the CPCJ in Águeda for 7 consecutive years;
  • Collaborates with the community intervention project of the child psychiatry service at Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga, being part of the local team and acting as the link with the municipal entities, within the scope of child psychiatry consultancy.
  • Was part of the Training and Research Unit of ACES Baixo Vouga;
  • Currently coordinates the Cres(SER) Project - Mental Health in Pregnancy and Early Childhood and integrates the Cres(SER) Ká Fora team, as a subproject of Cres(SER)
  • Has a special interest in promoting health literacy, in issues related to attachment, in working with parents, especially during the first 1000 days, in promoting quality pedagogical practices in day care centers and in promoting outdoor education, in contact with the nature.

Teresa Maia

Psychiatrist | HFF

Teresa Maia

Psychiatrist | HFF


Teresa Sancho

Nutricionista // Nutricionist

Teresa Sancho

Nutricionista // Nutricionist


Degree in Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Porto (1991).

PhD in Physical Activity and Health, Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto (2015).

Nutritionist at the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve, IP (since 1991), integrated in the Career of Superior Health Technicians – Nutrition (since 1996).

Responsible for the Nutrition area at the Algarve region, integrating the technical team of the Public Health and Planning Department of the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve, IP (since 2005).

Coordinator of several regional programs and projects in the areas of Food Education, Combating Obesity and Mediterranean Diet Promotion, by the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve, IP.

Regional coordinator of the National Program for Healthy Eating Promotion in the Algarve (since 2013).

Professor in the Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of Algarve, in accumulation (since 1999), currently as an Adjunct Invited Professor.

Vânia Beliz

Psychologist and Sexologist

Vânia Beliz

Psychologist and Sexologist

Gratuated in Clinical Psychology, master degree in sexology, wrote in 2010 the first book in this area - “Ponto Quê” about female sexuality.In January of 2016 was a co-author of the book and project in the Sexual Education area, "A viagem de Peludim". For 3 years performed in Curto Circuito, Sic Radical, in a section dedicated to young people, about sexuality. Cooperates in many projects in the social area, sexual education and school support in Programas de Educação para a Saúde, PES.

Often participates as a commentator on TV, usually cooperating with the national press.

Responsible for the Clarification of young people National project through the app whatshap, Controltalk.

Doctural student in Children's Studies/Children Healthcare in Universidade do Minho.

Vânia S. Pinto

Researcher at REES Center Oxford University

Vânia S. Pinto

Researcher at REES Center Oxford University

Vânia Pinto has a Degree in Psychological Sciences and a Master Degree in Clinical Psychology, from ISPA - University Institute, in Portugal. She has also completed Postgraduate programmes on “Protection of Minors”, at the Faculty of Law - University of Coimbra, and on “Data Analysis in the Social Science”, at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, both in Portugal. She is currently a DPhil Candidate in Education at the Rees Centre, Department of Education, University of Oxford, conducting research in the field of placement success.
She is also a Clinical Psychologist, as well as a research collaborator at the InEd-Center for Research and Innovation in Education, School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and a Board member of various networks, such as: the EUSARF Academy, the Oxford Children's Rights Network , and the Centro de Estudos Comparados da Criança em Família. She has several publications in the field of child protection systems, decision-making processes, foster care, and indicators of placement success.

Véronique Lerch

Human Rights Consultant | UNICEF | European Commission | Eurochild | Amnesty International

Véronique Lerch

Human Rights Consultant | UNICEF | European Commission | Eurochild | Amnesty International

Véronique Lerch is an international human rights consultant, specialised in child rights, working for institutions such as UNICEF, the European Commission, Eurochild or Amnesty International.  She was previously the Head of the Advocacy department of a large child rights organisation, SOS Children’s Villages International.  She holds an European Master degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA) from Global Campus of Human Rights and a Master in International Affairs from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University).

Vitor Cruz

Professor and Researcher - FMH-UL

Vitor Cruz

Professor and Researcher - FMH-UL

With a bachelor degree in Special Education and Rehabilitation, he also has a master degree in Special Education and a doctorate degree with specialisation in Special Education and Rehabilitation. He is also assistant professor in the department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities in the University of Human Kinetics from Lisbon University. Consultant in the area of Learning Difficulties in the Centre of Development and Learning SEI.

Authors of the following books:

  • From Learning to Reading to Reading to learn: A guide for professors, educators and parents;
  • Understanding the reading and the difficulties in your learning;
  • Specific learnings difficulties;
  • Cognitive approach in Reading;
  • Learning difficulties: Foundations;
  • Cognitive Education and Learning;

Author of several book chapters and related articles with new themes as: Intelligence, Learning, Cognition, Cognitive Education, Learning difficulties, Reading learning difficulties, Special Educational Needs and others of the speciality.

Interests centred in the Intelligent questions; Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Education, Learning in reading, Learning difficulties and Special Educational Needs.

At this moment, beyond teaching, he is also Coordinator of the Post-grad in Special Education - Motor and Cognitive Domain of the Human Kinetics, he is the Editor if the Magazine of Special educations and Rehabilitation, developing investigation in the evaluation area and intervention in Reading and in Reading and Reading Learning difficulties.

Zoe Clark

Professor of for Social Work

Zoe Clark

Professor of for Social Work

Zoe Clark is Professor of for Social Work with special interest for child and youth welfare services at Siegen University since 2019. Her main research areas are youth studies, theories of social justice, quantitative and qualitative empirical research in particular in the field of residential care for young people. 


Alexandra Vasconcelos

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP

Alexandra Vasconcelos

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP

Paediatrician, MD and PhD student, Medical Assessor at INFARMED, Clinician at Centro Hospitalar do Oeste (CHO) since November 2012 Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE (Hospital Amadora-Sintra) from 2003 to 2012; PhD Student in Tropical Medicine/Paediatric Tropical Medicine since 2013; Portuguese Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL); Medical Assessor and Member of the National Expert Committee on Human Medicines Evaluation (CAM) of INFARMED - National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, I.P. (Portugal) since 2003; Competence in Pharmaceutical Medicine certificated by the Portuguese Medical Council: Ordem dos Médicos (OM) in 2013; Post-graduation in Tropical Medicine from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2010;  Experience as a paediatrician in a tropical field (São Tomé e Príncipe, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique and Guiné-Bissau) since 2008; Honorary specialist registrar in University College London Hospital – UCLH, London (United Kingdom) in the Adolescent Unit in 2011; Executive Secretary of the Portuguese Social Paediatric Subcommittee since 2013

Ana Maia

Vaccines Senior Medical Advisor, Pfizer Portugal

Ana Maia

Vaccines Senior Medical Advisor, Pfizer Portugal

Vaccines Senior Medical Advisor, Pfizer Portugal

Pharmaceutical Sciences degree, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa

Postgraduation in Epidemiology, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa

Beatriz Maia Vale


Beatriz Maia Vale


Paediatric Hospital Assistant at Coimbra Paediatric Hospital-CHUC. Member of NHACJR. Responsible for the Consultation of Children at Risk, also works in the General Paediatric Consultation. Paediatrician Consultant of the Functional Coordination Unit of the Paediatrics Hospital.

Carla Faria


Carla Faria


Professora Adjunta na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo

Carlos Gil Escobar

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP | NHACJR, HFF

Carlos Gil Escobar

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP | NHACJR, HFF

Pediatrician. Member of NHACJR at Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca. Member of Social Pediatrics Section of the Portuguese Pediatrics Society.;

Graduated by Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Barcelona  With a maste degree in Tropical Medicine by Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/ Universidade de Lisboa Hospital Assistant at the Paediatric Intensive and special care unit of the Paediatric department of Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE (Amadora-Sintra) Board member of the Secção de Pediatria Social da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria Professor of the integrated Master of medicine at Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Cláudia Cano


Cláudia Cano


Integrated Master in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (2014).                                                               Internship for Specialized Training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Hospital Dona Estefânia (2021)                                              Training in Systemic and Family Intervention (2016-2018)                                                                                                                             Post-Graduation in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence (2020)Certified Parent Group Leader of the More Younger Family Program (2019) and Incredible Years (2021)                                                                                                                  Currently works as a Hospital Assistant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando da Fonseca. Clinical activity developed in the Community Team and Day Area, where it carries out consultations in Child Psychiatry and therapeutic groups, as well as in Liaison Child Psychiatry. Also works in Child Psychiatry consultations at Instituto Belong.                                        She is the author and co-author of several scientific articles and papers presented at national and international meetings.

Cristiana Madureira

Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

Cristiana Madureira

Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

Cristiana Madureira has a bachelor degree in Education (Universidade do Minho). She has a master degree in Education: Educational Policies and Educational Sociology (Universidade do Minho). She also has a doctorate degree in Educational Sciences (Universidade do Vigo, enroled in Universidade do Minho. She is an expert in economics and Special Education. 

Since 2000 she teaches in higher education. Now-a-days she teaches has an invited professor in Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais from Politécnico de Leiria.

From 2004 to 2013, she was a member of the board of directors in Escola Superior de Educação Jean Piaget Nordeste, vogal and vice-president (from 2004 to 2007) and director (from 2008 to 2013).

She started teaching aboard in 2012 at Universidade Jean Piaget in Mozambique and later in Universidade Católica also in Mozambique.

Cristiana Madureira has experience as Social-educational mediator in the group of schools Dr. Júlio Martins where she coordinated the Mediation Office, as well as the project Positive Parental and Interculturality in the field of Social Personal and Community Development Plan, by the National Programme of Scholar Success promotion. She also coordinated the The net of Schools to Intercultural Education in the group os schools at stake, following her participation as co-author in the application for the seal of Intercultural School that gave the group of schools the seal of “Intercultural School” . Her work in the project “The power of mediation between peers” also stands out in the category of civil formation that gave the distinction in the group os schools Dr. Júlio Martins as “Child Friendly Schools”.

In December 2020 as coordinator in the Office of Mediation she received honor by the Municípo de Sintra with the recognition of positive mediation project as being a good practice and an example to the other groups of schools in Portugal.

From 2019 to January 2022 she collaborated in the Centro Internacional de Ensino e Investigação Fernão de Magalhães where the she was pedagogic coordinator and researcher. 

She is an integrated researcher in the Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar “Cultura, Espaço e Memória” from Universidade do Porto. 

She is researcher ad hoc of articles in scientific magazines in her field of training and research. She also has participated in several jury panels of bachelor, masters and doctorate degrees to a national and international level. Cristiana Madureira is also author of several publications in the fields of research in Social Pedagogy, Social-educational Mediation, Intercultural Mediation, Positive Parental and Inclusion. 

David Tavares


David Tavares


David Tavares holds a PhD in Educational Sciences- specialitzation in Sociology Education Sociology by Universidade de Lisboa (2006), a degree in Sociology by ISCTE-IUL (1985) and a master's in Sociology from FCSH by Universidade Nova de Lisboa(1997). David is a coordinator professor at Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, in the Área Científica de Sociologia, where he teaches since 1999, coordinates the observatório Permanente de Análise e Acompanhamento da Inserção Profissional dos Diplomados by ESTeSL and was the President of the Scientific Board (between 2009 and 2012). He has been guiding and defending Doctoral Theses and Master’s Dissertation in various courses of several higher education institutions. He is a researcher at the Centro de Investigação e Estudos in Sociology of ISCTE/IUL. He has coordinated and integrated teams of several research projects, since 1987. He is the author of several books, chapters and national and international articles.

Filipa Pancada Fonseca


Filipa Pancada Fonseca


Psychologist specialist in clinical and health psychology and justice psychology. PhD student in Psychology at ISPA-IU. From 2000 to 2019 was part of the Department of Pediatrics and lately the Department of Mental Health at Hospital Prof. Doctor Fernando Fonseca, where she integrated the child protection team. Member of the founding team of Instituto Belong, in which belongs to the board and develops her clinical practice. Co-author of the book: (Re) Build my emotional home (Manuscrito ed.)

Gabriela Trevisan

investigadora do ProChild CoLAB

Gabriela Trevisan

investigadora do ProChild CoLAB

Born in Porto, in 1975, has a degree in Organizational Sociology from the University of Minho. Worked as a sociocultural animator at the Foundation for the Development of Vale de Campanhã, Porto (1998-2001). Was Adjunct Professor at the Paula Frassinetti School of Education (2001-2019). She has a Master's Degree in Childhood Sociology (Institute for Child Studies, University of Minho) and a Ph.D. in Child Studies, specializing in Childhood Sociology, in the scope of citizenship and child participation. She participates in different professional networks in the field of Sociology of Childhood and is coordinator of the Thematic Section of Sociology of Childhood, of the Portuguese Association of Sociology since December 2018. She is currently a researcher at ProChild CoLAB, in Guimarães. Areas of investigation include the sociology of childhood, children's rights, public policies for childhood, child poverty, community intervention, socio-educational work with children and young people and families.

Idalina Machado

Professor / Researcher | FLUP

Idalina Machado

Professor / Researcher | FLUP

Bachelor (1998), Master (2004) and PhD (2013) in Sociology by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. Is a Professor at the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior de Serviço Social/Higher Institute of Social Work of Porto (CESSS/ISSSP), since 2002, where teaches in Social Work and Social Gerontology Degrees and in Social Intervention in Children and Youth at Risk of Exclusion Master. Since 2014 is also Invited Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology of Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. It is Integrated Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto, since 2004. Her research interests focus on Urban Sociology, particularly in the problem of fight for the right to the city and housing, in gentrification processes and social mixing and poverty and social exclusion of socially disadvantaged groups.

Isabel Monteiro da Costa

Speech therapist |ESS-UA

Isabel Monteiro da Costa

Speech therapist |ESS-UA

Speech therapist and  professor of higher education (Technology School of Health of OPorto, School of Health, University of Aveiro, and in collaboration, School of Health, University of Algarve and School of Health, Coimbra). Isabel Monteiro's interests are mainly focused in the field of communication disorders in children with hearing loss and their families and in a very incisive way in the development track that is early intervention.


Joana Maria Calejo Pinto Barroso Jorge

Psiquiatra da Infância e da Adolescência // Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Joana Maria Calejo Pinto Barroso Jorge

Psiquiatra da Infância e da Adolescência // Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist


Academic and Professional Training

- Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
- Specialty in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry by the Department of Child Psychiatry of Porto.
- Training in Systemic and Family Therapy by the Portuguese Society of Family Therapy.
- Postgraduate Course in Clinical Specialization in Psychodynamic Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
- Training in Parental Training "Incredible Years Programme" (School Age and Early Childhood).
- Certified training in the Greenspan DIR/Floortime method.
- Certified training in the application of diagnostic tools for Autism Spectrum Disorders: ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) and ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic InterviewReviewed).
- Intensive Course in Touchpoints by Fundação Brazelton/Gomes –Pedro.

Professional Experience (Current Roles)

- Hospital Assistant of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Hospital Center of Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho.
- Pedopsychiatrist at the CRIAR Development and Health Clinic.
- Scientific activity
- Participation as first author and co-author in several posters and oral communications presented at national and international congresses and training meetings.
- Publication of scientific articles in national and international journals. Participation in several national and international congresses and workshops.
- Collaboration in research projects (ongoing) in the area of ​​Autism Spectrum Disorders and Early Childhood.

João Pedro Gaspar

Investigator, IPCDHS-UC/FCT | Coordinator, PAJE Plataform

João Pedro Gaspar

Investigator, IPCDHS-UC/FCT | Coordinator, PAJE Plataform

Lecturer, phD in Education Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of Coimbra University. 

Master in geosciencies from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Coimbra University. 

Researcher on the Institute of Cognitive Psychology (IPCDHS-UC/FCT), Center of Interdisciplinary Studies on XX Century (CEIS XX - GRUPOEDE). He also do research work on the Interdisciplinary Lab of Research and Social Intervention  (LIPIS-PUC Rio de Janeiro). Mentor and coordinator of PAJE Platform -  Support of de-institutionalisation childreen and adolescents. 

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Professor and Researcher (FDUL)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Professor and Researcher (FDUL)

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro was born in Lisbon in 1966. He has a bachelor degree (1989) and a masters degree (1995) in Law by the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade (Classica) de Lisboa where he is assistant. He dedicates himself to teaching since 1989. He taught Civil Procedural Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Law of obligations, Family Law and Succetions, Enterprise Law, Economy and Fiscal Law. He published Fase introdutória dos embargos de terceiro (1992), Garantia bancária (1992) and final dissertation os his master degree Legado em substituição da legítima (1996). Colaborated in the revision and update od the second volume of Direito da Família e das Sucessões, by Pamplona Corte-Real, published in 1993 and in the elaboration of the volumes II, III, IV, V, VI, VII of the coletion Pareceres da Procuradoria-Geral da Rwpública, published throught 1997 and 1998. Now-a-days he findshimself preparing the doctorate degree in the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade (Classica) de Lisboa of Matrimonial Law. 

Linda Maria Balinha Saraiva

Professor | IPVC, ESE

Linda Maria Balinha Saraiva

Professor | IPVC, ESE


Luisa Teles

Pediatrician and coordinator

Luisa Teles

Pediatrician and coordinator

Neurodevelopment pediatrician and coordinator of the Center for Neurodevelopment at Hospital da Luz, Lisbon, Portugal.

Luis Maia

Journalist | Coral Europa | SIC

Luis Maia

Journalist | Coral Europa | SIC

“Já me apontaram uma caçadeira, facas, já me tentaram atropelar e apedrejar, mas nunca conseguiram impedir-me de fazer o meu trabalho”

A citação parece retirada do guião de um filme de acção, mas descreve o lado menos visível do trabalho do jornalista Luís Maia. Nascido a 15 de Outubro de 1976, na Póvoa de Varzim, licenciou-se em Comunicação Social no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, a mesma faculdade, onde neste momento está a fazer um mestrado em Política Social.
Em 1999 trocou um emprego em part-time, num call center, por um estágio pago apenas com senhas de refeição, na redação da TVI. Iniciou aí uma carreira que o levou a produtoras como a Duvideo, Teresa Guilherme Produções, Comunicassom, e Fremantle, para além do jornal 24 Horas, de estações como TVI e SIC, bem como a colaborações esporádicas com imprensa estrangeira.
Entre 2008 e 2009 viveu em Angola, onde contribuiu para um momento histórico, ao coordenar os conteúdos de entretenimento do primeiro canal privado daquele país, a TV Zimbo.
Como locutor, empresta a voz a canais como História, Odisseia, Discovery e Crime & Investigation. Como autor, já assinou nove livros de não-ficção, sete deles em co-autoria com o também jornalista Hernâni Carvalho.
Actualmente trabalha para a produtora Coral Europa e faz reportagens em directo no segmento de análise criminal, do programa Casa Feliz, da SIC. 
Profissional determinado, decidiu ser tempo de partilhar com outros aquilo que aprendeu ao longo de 21 anos de carreira, através de Palestras, bem como de formações em Media Training e Public Speaking.

Madalena Sofia Oliveira

University Teacher

Madalena Sofia Oliveira

University Teacher

Madalena Sofia Oliveira holds a PhD in psychology, a master degree in forensic sciences and a degree in social work. Assistant Professor at ISSSP and guest at IUCS-CESPU and UMaia-ISMAI. Integrated Researcher at the JusGov-UMinho Center for Research in Justice and Governance, where she is dedicated to the study of victimology, with emphasis on violence in intimate relationships, intergenerational transmission of violence, child abuse and neglect. Co-coordinator of the forensic psychology and social areas at the Portuguese Association of Forensic Sciences, of which she is a member. Member of SPECAN. Consultant in public and private entities in the field of victimology.

Margarida Crujo


Margarida Crujo


I was born in Évroa in 1981. I'm from a familfy of Estremoz traditionally connected to health sciences. I lived in Estromoz until I was 18, an then I started studying Medicine in Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa. Cativated by sciences, human relations and literature, I combines these three worlds and specialized in Adolescence and Childhood Psychiatry. Now-a-days I work in Hospital CUL Descobertas and I'm a mother of three boys.

Margarida Reis Santos

University Professor and Researcher | ESEP

Margarida Reis Santos

University Professor and Researcher | ESEP


Maria de Lurdes Torre

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP

Maria de Lurdes Torre

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP

Paediatrician at Hospital Fernando Fonseca. President of the Portuguese Social Paediatric Subcommittee (SPS-SPP).









Maria do Rosário Nascimento e Sousa de Bessa Monteiro


Maria do Rosário Nascimento e Sousa de Bessa Monteiro


Integrated Masters degree in Medicina by Istituto de Ciência Biomédicas Abel Salazar (2012-2018). 

Internship of General Training in Hospital Pedro Hispano (2019). 

Intern of Adolescence and Childhood Psychiatry in Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto since 2020. 

In Family and Systemic Therapy Training since 2020 by Sociedade Portuguesa de Terapia Familiar.

Maria Manuel Zarcos

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP

Maria Manuel Zarcos

Pediatrician | SPS-SPP

Paediatrician at Centro Hospitalar Leiria Pombal. Member of the direction board of the Portuguese Social Paediatric Subcommittee (SPS-SPP).

Marta Santos Pais

International Human Rights Lawyer

Marta Santos Pais

International Human Rights Lawyer

Mrs. Marta Santos Pais is an international human rights lawyer with more than 35 years of experience on human rights, children´s rights and international cooperation, including lead responsibilities within the United Nations system, engagement in European and multilateral intergovernmental processes, and participation in the drafting of key international human rights standards, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, and the second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as in the negotiation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Mrs. Santos Pais heads the Portuguese Holocaust Remembrance Commission Never Forget and is a Commissioner of the International Commission against the Death Penalty. She is a member of the Task Force on Justice of the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies initiative, as well as a member of the International Board of Trustees of the African Child Policy Forum, of Arigatou International Advisory Group and of Joining Forces to Prevent Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. In Portugal, she is Vice President of the Board of UNICEF Portugal, and a member of the Advisory Council of the Portuguese Institute of the Child and of the ProChild Collaborative Laboratory.

From 2009 to 2919 she served as the first United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children. In that capacity, Mrs. Santos Pais acted as a high-level global independent advocate, promoting the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children in all settings, including in the home, in schools, in institutional care, in the justice system, in the workplace and in the community. She was a bridge builder in all regions and across sectors and was strongly committed to mobilizing action and political support to maintain momentum around this agenda and to achieve steady progress across the world. 

Before her appointment as the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Mrs Santos Pais was the Director of UNICEF Evaluation, Policy and Planning (1997-2001) and the Director of UNICEF’s Innocenti Research Centre (2001-2009). Prior to that, she was the Rapporteur of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Vice-Chair of the Council of Europe Childhood Policies Committee. In Portugal, Mrs Santos Pais was the Head of the Human Rights Branch of the Comparative Law Office of the Attorney General Office and a Visiting Professor at the International University in Lisbon. She is the author of numerous publications on legal cooperation, human rights and children’s rights.

Neide Urbano

Médica Pedopsiquiatra

Neide Urbano

Médica Pedopsiquiatra

Pedopsychiatrist at the Adolescents Unit of Hospital Dona Estefânia. Central Lisbon Hospital Center, Portugal.


Raquel Leitão

Nutritionist Professor

Raquel Leitão

Nutritionist Professor

Raquel Leitão is a Nutritionist Professor, with a degree in Nutritional Sciences from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Porto, a master's degree in Water and Food Quality Control from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto, and a PhD in Child Studies, at specialty in Child Health, from the University of Minho. She carries out her professional activity as an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), being responsible for teaching in the area of ​​Human Nutrition and related sciences. She has editorial experience at Open Medicine Journal, for the area “Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics” and as a reviewer for international scientific journals. She has been participating in funded projects: NUTRIAGE (FEDER); Viana do Castelo Coastal Geopark (NORTE2020 Program); Health status and physical activity of the elderly population (FCT); Obesity from childhood to adolescence: a longitudinal study in school environment (FCT). She was Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education and the Postgraduate Degree in Education, Science and Local Heritage, at the IPVC Higher Education School. She is a member of the Order of Nutritionists, the Scientific Council of the Geopark Litoral de Viana do Castelo, CIEC and inED. She is Coordinator of the Eco-Schools Program at ESE-IPVC.

Regina Pires

Professor and Researcher - ESENF

Regina Pires

Professor and Researcher - ESENF


Ricardo Encarnação

Child Psychiatrist, Roche Country Medical Director

Ricardo Encarnação

Child Psychiatrist, Roche Country Medical Director


Rui Ferreira Carvalho

Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência

Rui Ferreira Carvalho

Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência

Membro da Direção da Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica (SPSC)

Médico de Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência

Terapeuta Sexual e Sexólogo Clínico pela SPSC

Sara Melo

Professor / Researcher

Sara Melo

Professor / Researcher

Sara Melo has a PhD in Sociology by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP). Is currently a professor at the Superior Institute of Social Work of Porto (ISSSP) and researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (ISUP.

Sérgio Costa Araújo

Professor, ESE-IPP | Researcher, inED

Sérgio Costa Araújo

Professor, ESE-IPP | Researcher, inED


Sérgio Costa Araújo has been, since 2006, higher education teacher in Portugal. He is currently Invited Adjunct Professor at the city of Porto Polytechnic School of Education and a Collaborator Researcher at inED – Center for Research and Innovation in Education. Master in Development Studies in Social and Educational Sciences and recognized specialist in the field of social and behavioral sciences, he works mostly in socio-educational areas in thematic domains that includes fighting poverty and promoting social inclusion, with particular attention in the links between children's rights, poverty and exclusion. Over the past 23 years, in these domains, he has designed, monitored and implemented several action-research projects, particularly in critical urban territories in the Porto metropolitan area, seeing some of these actions recognized as examples of good practices by external entities. He has always developed his path in a European context and, therefore, has accumulated a unique knowledge about the path of social issues within the European Union over the last 23 years. He has participated in high-level meetings, including editions of the European Commission's European Forums on the Rights of the Child; The European Expert group on the transition from Institutional to Community-based Care, formally known as the Ad Hoc Expert Group on the transition from institutional care to community-based care; high-level conferences organized by presidencies of the Council of the European Union... He is a member of Eurochild and since 2009 a member of the European working group “Children in Alternative Care” (CiAC). Deinstitutionalization is one of his favoured subjects. He was also a member of the Expert Advisory Group of the pioneering Eurochild and UNICEF research project “DataCare Project” which comprehensively mapped child protection data systems in the 27 Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom and which in 2023 is in its second phase of development. He is a member of the national Working Group on Child Poverty, promoted by EAPN / European Anti-Poverty Network. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Portuguese AjudAjudar – Associação para a Promoção dos Direitos das Crianças e Jovens (Association for the Promotion of the Rights of Children and Young People). In 2020, he consolidated his status as an expert on the topic “Poverty and Children's Rights in the Social Dimension of the European Union”, in the context of providing formal public evidence. He makes his own the assertion of Kant that he likes to quote from memory: theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is blind. Contact –

Sílvia Afonso

Assistente Hospitalar; Coordenadora da Unidade de Desenvolvimento do CEBC; Responsável pela Consulta do Sono

Sílvia Afonso

Assistente Hospitalar; Coordenadora da Unidade de Desenvolvimento do CEBC; Responsável pela Consulta do Sono

Hospital Assistante with a degree in Pediatrics. 

Coordenator of the Development Unit of CEBC. 

Responsible for the Sleep appointment. 

Hospital Dona Estefânia. 

Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central. 

Tânia Duque


Tânia Duque



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